Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Prayer Flags # 5 & 6

6 prayer flags

prayer flag: breast cancer
I made this flag for Pamela P. She's a student of mine, and a friend and ironically was diagnosed with breast cancer about 6 months after Melly Testa got her diagnosis. The other irony is that they are friends, and Pamela studied with Melly in New York last last year.
Pamela made two very large bed quilts, with a circles theme, so as I created cirlces and stitched circles, I thought of her.
I realized that 3 of my 6 prayer flags, so far, relate to breast I added the pink ribbon symbol.
prayer flag: breast cancer ~detail  prayer flag: breast cancer ~detail
prayer flag: if not now when
If not now, when?
prayer flag: if not now when ~detail  prayer flag: if not now when ~detail
One never knows what life will bring....Is there something you've wanted to do, and haven't? If not now, when?6 prayer flags
As The Prayer Flag Project suggests, these flags are meant to be done in under an hour. I've been using my scraps of monoprints for the base of mine. I've so enjoyed it, I'm going to add an optional prayer flag making to my upcoming gelatin monoprint workshops at Long Beach Quilt Festival on July 29 (class # 309) and to my workshop at Art Unraveled in Phoenix on August 4.


  1. these are beautiful and what a great way to remember to pray for others.

  2. they are fun, aren't they? love your colors--are you staying in the 1-hr limit? I am getting engrossed and not staying with the time frame--but who cares, if one is having fun? ;-p

  3. these are really fun Jane, I must try to find time to make one or more... but right now I have suitcases on the floor with supplies in piles everywhere getting ready to fly to sunny so cal. See you soon!

  4. I love that you are doing these Jane instead of talking or thinking about it!
    Good for you! BTW, they are all as beautiful as the sentiment that they honor.


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