Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Mixed Media journals etc

mixed media journal pages
A page in progress from my mixed media journal.
Husb and Me
Husb helps me schlep my stuff to my teaching gigs. Here are some pics from my weekend in San Clemente, teaching a mixed media journal workshop.
Mixed Media Journal class
My good friend Linda Blinn and I. We co-taught the workshop.
Felix the cat makes a visit    Mixed Media Journal class
A cat friend comes to visit at Lindas. And flowers in her beautiful home.
Here are some bits of my mixed media journal. (It looks like I might be teaching this workshop in Pasadena, CA in October~I'll keep you posted)mixed media journal pages     mixed media journal pages

mixed media journal pages       mixed media journal pages
That cool 'gears' stencil on the right is from Mary Beth Shaw.

mixed media journal pages     mixed media journal pages

mixed media journal pages    mixed media journal pages


  1. Chellie Buzzeo7/13/2011 11:37 AM

    These are wonderful! I can't wait to see you at Art Unraveled in Phoenix in a couple of weeks!

  2. lovely image of you and hubbyxx have fun teachingx

  3. I like your plump little birdie on the swirly background!

    Glad you are having fun with your mixed media journal. I'm a journal junkie myself!

  4. If you were to offer a class like this with joggles I would definitely sign up (along with all your other joggles followers!). Perhaps this fall/winter?

    I love your joggles classes!

    - Kim Lawbaugh

  5. Pasadena? October? Wow, I am in CA a lot during July and August for doctor's appointments and other stuff but October? Nothing so far. Maybe I can talk my husband in letting me go out one more time and maybe I can even talk my granddaughter into joining me. Do keep us posted! How limited is your class size? I have 3 granddaughters.

  6. thanks everyone! Freebird, the workshop is still be negotiated by the powers that would be either 10/28 or 29...with at least 20 students. I'll let you know when I know!

  7. hi Jane... Love the photos you post and the picture of you and your hubby is darling..
    Question... looks like you have a grouping of paint "bottles" do you mix your own,, is that water color, or is that some thing purchased in a state to be used with out any mixing.... Thanks, ...


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