Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Prayer Flags # 8 & 9

flag #9 ~ Peace detail

flag #9 ~ Peace detail

flag #9 ~ Peace
Prayer flag #9 for Peace. Peace in your heart. Peace in the world.
flag # 8 ~ live with grace
Prayer Flag #8 for grace. Live with grace. Act with grace.

flag # 8 ~ live with grace detail       flag # 8 ~ live with grace detail

9 prayer flags

9 prayer flags
The Prayer Flag Project and the prayer flag flickr group. Anyone can join.


  1. I like!! very nice, Jane. I need to get going on mine--was out of town but am back and ready to make more.

  2. LOVE the prayer flags! I have some I created a few years ago and these have inspired me to update my flags. Thanks for sharing! Just took your online class through Interweave and just love it. Thanks so much for the inspiration!

  3. My cousin picks a focus word for each year. This year she encouraged me to do so. My word is Grace. I like how you've portrayed it in your prayer flag. I've been praying for this for a few months now. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Very cool work and lovely sentiments!

  5. your flags are fantastic Jane.


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