Wednesday, August 31, 2011

CREATE classes in Chicago


kelli nina perkins and me
I was able to take Pokey Bolton's class "Printapalooza" and what a lovely surprise to have Kelli Nina Perkins as a fellow student. I adore Kelli, and it was great to spend a day with her. The photo below was taken outside the hotel during Pokey's class~ we were sun printing.
sunprinting in pokey's class

sketching & and watercolor ~ student work
Wonderful student work from my "Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style" workshop.
sketching & and watercolor ~ student work

quiltlets~ student work
Student "Quiltlets" from the 3 hour class I taught on Sunday.
quiltlets in progress ~student work    quiltlet ~ student work


  1. Hi Jane, what wonderful work, it looks like you had such a good time. So glad you have shared this with us.

  2. Everything looks so beautiful! Was that paint in the cups at the top? I'm saving my pennies to come next time - or maybe the time after that. Pennies don't add up very quickly. ;)

  3. It looks like it was so much fun. It's on my wish list for retreats to attend. Maybe sometime soon. xx

  4. Beautiful work from everyone! I hope I can take one of your classes somewhere someday! Do you always use Golden acrylic paint for the quiltlets?

  5. Becca, that was a students work. And for the quiltlets, you can use nearly anything! water soluble crayons, fabric paint, cheap acrylics......

  6. Hi Jane - took your Quiltlet class in Chicago - had a great time. I had the pink flower next to the owl. I started with black thread to outline, but on the plane ride home, I switched to a varigated indigo blue - can't decide which I like better. You use your thread so effectively - esp. the color. Maybe I should take everything out and use a pink varigated thread. What do you think? Thanks!

  7. This looks like candy for the soul!


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