Monday, August 29, 2011

Recycled Circles ~ Student work

recycled circles: student work
I taught two classes of Recycled Circles in Chicago (the first one filled up, thank you very much!) As usual, I love how different each one turns out! And they are all following the same directions...
Here are a few from my classes:
recycled circles: student work   recycled circles: student work
recycled circles: student work    recycled circles: student work

recycled circles: student work     recycled circles: student work

recycled circles: student work     recycled circles: student work

recycled circles: student work     recycled circles: student work

recycled circles: student work    recycled circles: student work
I'm teaching this again at Art & Soul in Portland and the fabric version at the International Quilt Festival in Houston November 4.


  1. You can always tell a great teacher from the beautiful student work. Great job!

  2. Ditto for the above comment; those are wonderful; I love circles.

  3. That looks like a great deal of fun.

  4. Beautiful, come and teach in the UK please!

  5. they are beautiful -- I hope you teach this at the art retreat in raleigh next year -- I will definitely be there -- do you have to have a sewing maching --

  6. Ok I am going to find my CPS that you did the article on this technique in. !! Not nearly as having you as a teacher IRL but for now it will ahve to do!!
    Will you be teaching at A and S in Portland in OCt 2012??? I WILL be there!!!

    My code word below was SPINS!!!!! Very appropos for Circles recycled!!!

  7. These are great! I have the article from CPS (2009) and have it printed out ready to try. If I can't figure it out, I plan to take your Joggles class!

  8. Thanks everyone! Elizabeth, I can't fit portland 2012 into my schedule, unfortunately! hope to meet you somewhere!

  9. Absolutely fabulous. Maybe you can teach me to I can hang out with you :) A girl's gotta dream, huh?

  10. Hi Jane - took the Circles class with you in Chicago and had a great time! Looks like it should be easy, but it took some time for the different steps - loved every minute of it. Looking at my piece here (3rd one down on the left) I think the tiny black and white checker comes across as gray. I will try to rework that with a more defined black and white fabric or paper.


Thanks so much for visiting!