Monday, August 15, 2011

Everyday Objects ~ my purse

purse journal page detail
So, the theme (which I chose) for The Sketchbook Challenge this month is everyday objects. My purse and it's contents certainly fits that theme!
And I'm taking Susan Sorrell's online class Sketch'n Contour Embroidery . But I did her assignment wrong...
purse journal page
So I took my watercolor journal page and made it into a mixed media journal page.
purse journal page detail

purse contents
I scanned and printed my original drawing (above) and collaged and tissue traced (as seen in my DVD preview clip here)
purse journal page h ow to

purse journal page detail
HOT summer giveaway continues on Jill Berry's blog today!  (and don't forget you can leave a comment on my giveaway blog post until August 19.)


  1. Lovely work, I envy you your freedom of drawing lines, I am far too up tight over my drawing and cannot be loose!

  2. LOL. That is fun. I don't think I would admit the silly things I lug around in my purse! But yours looks so lovely.

  3. Terrific save an an assignment you did "wrong". Wrong appears to be so right! :-)

  4. I posted a comment and don't see it. I'm excited about finding your blog! as I need something to work on while my hubby is recovering from surgery - thanks!!


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