Sunday, August 14, 2011

HOT summer giveaway on JaneVille!

My new DVD
Today is my HOT summer giveaway! You'll win a whole bunch of cool stuff! A download of my DVD! so you can learn to draw, watercolor and simply enjoy the process of keeping a visual journal. And you'll win a copy of Cathy Johnson's book "Artist's Journal Workshop" to inspire you and show you how other artists fill their journals, a very cool pen/brush holder feather my custom fabric AND you'll win a FREE online class with yours truly through!

You'll win a download of my dvd "from art journaling to art", a copy
of "Artist Journal Workshop" and a cool pencil/brush holder .

This cool pencil/brush holder is made with my spoonflower fabric, featuring my own watercolor images. The holder was designed and sewn by Kathi Price on etsy.

While you're waiting to see if you won these fabulous items, here are some tutorials to get you drawing and painting!
15 Step by step using a water soluble pen tutorial
thanksgiving Drawing and painting a small pumpkin

protea Sketching and painting exotic flowers

You can see all my tutorials here.

Leave a comment on this blog post to win a FREE download of my DVD "From art journaling to art" , Cathy Johnson's book, a terrific pencil/brush holder AND an online workshop with me! Wow, am I ever feelin' generous! Tell me why you enjoy keeping a visual journal, or why you want to start one. You can leave comments until August 20th, at which time I'll select a random winner. That winner will need to email me with their mailing address.

purse contents
more about this journal page later....


  1. Hi Jane I would love to win your prizes. Keeping a journal is something I have never done - maybe it is an age thing or my era!! LOL
    I would love to be able to keep a travel journal with sketches of places we go and people we see but feel rather embarassed jotting down my thoughts and sketching in public is rather daunting. I did it once this year (60the birthday - my year of trying new things ie sketching) at our National gallery here in Canberra. So on to my new me now I have more time. Thank you for your generosity and your joggles and your time.

  2. I would love to win the download, the class and all the rest of the goodies. I am new to art journaling and am enjoying your tutorials as well as those of other teachers. I also love the wonderful supplies out there and learning to use them and have something great come out of my attempts. Thanks for your generosity and the opportunity.

  3. Thanks for the generous, delicious offer. I could put all to good use!

  4. Jane, what a wonderful, generous give-a-way. I am trying to journal and get way laid ... sketching birds or knitting. I have so much to learn ... keep those little gray cells going!

  5. OMG Jane! You are so generous! You are an inspiration and I love the idea of using your pages to make your very own fabric! Wow!

  6. I'd love to win your giveaway. I'm a mature student here in the UK but I find it hard trying to keep a journal so could do with some help.

  7. Jane, this giveaway IS hot! I find a visual journal helps evoke memories much better than a written journal. I rarely go back and read my journals, but I'll peruse my visual journals and think, "oh, that was such a wonderful day!" Love your tutorials, btw.

  8. Jane: What can I say - your on-line classes are great and you inspire me. I continue to quilt animal faces the way you taught on-line and I am in the Prayer Flag group - because of you! I follow your blog, love your work and these prizes would be great and so helpful and fun.

  9. Wonderful! I find a visual journal gives me more confidence in my work. Thank you for the opportunity.

  10. You are generous and fabulous as always! I have got started with my visual journal following the class I took with you in Saluda NC, but I've only got a few pages going in it and I'd like to get re-fired up again to go further. I definitely know that before you taught me I had no idea how to draw, and I do feel like you did more for teaching me than any other class I've ever taken - so thank you very much :-))

  11. awesome! I love your blog and your art. I hope I win:)

  12. Hope you pick me - I love your art and tutorials!

  13. what an awesome set. I wanna win!!

  14. Wow what an amazing giveaway. Would love to win this!

  15. Jane it was lovely to see the sketch on the SA protea. Google Blushing Bride it is a member of the Protea family. I have featured it on my blog today, my favourite flower.

  16. Incredible giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win! I've been art journaling for a long time and I appreciate my journals as a way of holding all the thoughts that gather in my brain. It helps me gain perspective, crystallize ideas, talk to the future it!

  17. What an amazing give away! There are a range of reasons I keep an art journal. At the moment it is a travel journal, sometimes it is a journal of a quote or a word that has caught my attention and I want to remember it, sometimes it is letting go of the negatives in life, sometimes it is celebrating the wonderful, sometimes it is an experiment with a new technique or tool. One thing for sure is that all the time it is time for me to do one of the things I truly love in life and that gives me great peace and satisfation!

  18. Oh. Oh.Oh... I'm like Horse Shack from Welcome Back Kotter! I'd love to win your fabulous prize, Jane! Thanks for the chance!

  19. Jane, you are a constant inspiration to me. I just love watching your progression on each path you take over the years. I feel bad that I don't keep a regular art journal. I think that between you and Danny Gregory the drawing bug will bite me shortly. This is such a great giveaway! Thank you for your generosity! You're the best!!!

  20. In my late 50's I read a diary that my grandmother wrote in for one year. It was so interesting that I decided to keep a journal for one year when I turned 60. That's when I found out about art journals and I started trying out collage and watercolor and I found all these wonderful blogs like yours and YES I want to win.....

  21. Hi Jane, I would love to win your DVD or any of your wonderful, generous prizes. I love your journals and you watercolors! So please, please, please pick me! :D

  22. This is great. I would love to win! I follow your blog! Thanks so much,

  23. what a generous giveaway. i am new to art journals. i'd love to learn to draw. what a better place to practice than your journal.

  24. Hello to one of the most generous and talented people.... I love your blog and I am anxious to get started. I would love to win this. Thank you for all you do.

  25. Hi Jane. I would love to start an art journal. I think it would be a great way to keep thoughts and ideas together. A concept journal, I guess.
    Thank you so much!

  26. Fabulous prizes!! Would love to win these~

  27. Oh Jane - what wonderful prizes! And oh so many! Thank you for your generosity! I would love to win your download and learn to draw. I can't imagine drawing in public and feeling comfortable with my drawing! (I know you do this all the time...) I would love to learn to keep a journal to remember the special moments of the day and I think journaling would help me to be more appreciative of the things we've been given.
    Thanks so much for your generosity to so many!

  28. What a glorious idea for a blogroll. Every day I think "Maybe this time...." I love your work, your sensibility, your detail, your designs.

  29. Hi, Jane, I hope you know you're the one who got me going on drawing from life, and feeling confident! I've come a long way in less than a year. Would love to win the goodies.

  30. I journal almost everything day, but in a lined comp book. For some reason, I don't do an art journal. I am inspired by your watercolor. I hope this comes out right, but they are simple, but expressive. That's what I would like to be able to do. I have seperate journals for ideas, pix of things I like etc., but I don't incoroporate into one journal. I need to do that, huh?

  31. I'd love to win the download of your Dvd and the other great prizes because I've been working on developing the habit of daily journaling, with out alot of success over the summer. I love the simplicity of the art and the power of the caputred moment.

  32. Wow, what a great giveaway! Thank you for doing this.

    I've taken a few online sketching and drawing classes (including yours!) but haven't made a habit of sketching regularly. I'd love to do start doing that in a visual journal.

  33. I keep a visual journal to keep track of thoughts, patterns and ideas that I want to use in my art. I would be lost without it! That said, I definitely need inspiration and I'd love to win your giveaway.

    All the best - Chris

  34. I would LOVE to keep a visual journal more regularly, but not feeling comfortable with my sketching always holds me back. I'm used to seeing the world through my lens and always think how exciting it would be to add thoughts & paint with my own hands. Thank you for this generous opportunity!

  35. Sketching is really seeing, slowing down in a crazy texting world. Maybe by really seeing, we can keep our world from falling apart. Janet Wright

  36. I already have "from art journaling to art". It's terrific! I'd love th pen/brush holder and the "Artist's Journal Workshop". A habit I'm trying to cultivate is to carry a journal kit with me when I go anywhere. At the moment, I toss paints, pencil, pen, and a watercolor journal in a gallon size freezer bag. It's not elegant, but it works.

  37. What a great giveaway! I'd love to improve my journalling skills. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  38. Awesome giveaway!!! I would love to win because it would be great to take the online class with you!

  39. That's an amazing prize, Jane, and so generous!

    I'm just starting out with visual journalling. I do a lot of crafts, but "Art" (with a capital A) intimidates me, even though I feel drawn to do it. I'm trying to get over that, and I've done two drawing workshops and a printmaking one this year, but the idea of setting out to make a finished piece of art still scares me.

    A visual journal seems a great way to get myself started - no need to show anyone else or get approval, just a place to play, experiment, express my feelings sometimes, and generally gain confidence.

  40. For months I follow your blog with Google reader.
    I would love to make a journal too when the Autumn comes. ( don't have enough hours in a day now ;)
    I admire your work very much!
    Please put my name on the list :)
    Thank you!

  41. After looking at your tutorials and your schedule (especially Italy), I'm ready to follow you to the ends of the earth... sadly with my finances, I may only be able to follow you to the ends of the Internet - hey, that's pretty far!!!
    Karen in VA Beach

  42. This is very generous of you. I'm such a fan of yours and love your style. :-)

  43. ☆¨(◕‿-✿) ❀♫❤ ☼ ☯ oooOOOOoo... Jane! What delightful images! I poked around your blog and clicked on quite a few links... LOVE the combination of stitching and sketching. I will be visiting often! Hope to connect! ~Hobby ☯☼❤♫❀ (✿-‿ ◕)¨☆

  44. bonnie leukert8/14/2011 8:15 AM

    You are such an what you do.

  45. Jane... your influence is deep in the hollers of Eastern Kentucky. Some say trends reach our area last. We are basking in all of the art journal techniques our journal ancestors have passed down to us. I taught a workshop yesterday at the Appalachian Artisan Center in Hindman KY. I was paid for this and we had 10 in the class! I hope to teach more and these materials would be a big shoulder to lean on!

  46. Uber nifty artwork!!!

  47. Jane, I do love your style. Hope to be able to get to one of your classes next time I'm at CREATE or somewhere. This is a generous give-away, it would be a nice kick off to get me started (wink, wink). Thanks for participating, I love your blog. Dea/x

  48. I love your work...thanks for sharing so much of it with us!
    I've been trying to keep a visual journal but have a hard time making it a daily habit. I'm sure your DVD would help me out.

  49. I totally need a little motivation to get myself started. It would be fabulous to win all those great goodies ! Thank you for your inspiration

  50. I used to draw all the time when I was younger, but with studies and a full time job, the habit just died out a number of years ago. I felt that I didn't have time or energy for it. But I've missed it very much, and now I want to start drawing again on a regular basis. My fibre art and sanity demand it. I just need to develop a new style of drawing and painting that isn't as time-consuming as my old style was. That's a real challenge for me, as I love drawing highly detailed images. My solution so far has been to scale down on the size of the drawings, but to keep the details. You've inspired me with your small watercolours. Thank you!

  51. Big fan of yours from over here in Las vegas. One day I hope to make a workshop. Thanks for the chance to enter the giveaway.

  52. What a great giveaway. You are an amazing artist. Would love to win this.

  53. Love, love, love your work. This is an awesome giveaway!

  54. Jane, I woule love to win your prizes!! Am hooked on checking the artists blogs to see who is the featured artist--very generous of you

  55. what a treasure trove, certain to inspire any artist's MO! visual journaling is what i do to keep my collected quotes in a place where i can find them, as opposed to scattered torn scraps from junk mail envelopes and dozens of sticky notes. quotes and sayings from wittier people help me to focus and determine what i actually think about a variety of subjects. --jean b.

  56. This is a very generous giveaway. Thank you! I love to keep an art journal because it is the one time the art I create is for my eyes only.

  57. I'm a new retiree (after 35 yrs of govt work) and my top goal on my to-do list, is to learn how to draw. I'd love to win your package.

  58. THANK YOU Jane for this opportunity to win your GREAT DVD and THANK YOU for blogging.
    I have you on my Google Reader, so don't always stop by to comment, tho I read all your posts.

  59. Giveaways are always nice and what you are giving away is great.......... so Sign me up

  60. Well, I am have not done much journaling so this might just be what I need to "jump start" me. So glad to find your blog.

  61. What a wonderful bunch of prizes!! Someone will be a lucky winner. I enjoyed meeting you at AU.

  62. Forgot the why of winning: I keep trying to start journals and making myself draw more but just don't seem to get there. Your blog has lots of great tutorials for which I thank you.

  63. Wow. you are generous. I have started a visual journal. I even started a swap on swap bot dot com to encourage visual journalling. I am working on it and feel like it is good practice, maybe is the word. I am loving it and want to make big art too now. yummy. wish me luck! ;D and luck to everyone else, too. really. ;D

  64. I just started a visual journal yesterday! This would be perfect!

  65. Rachel Kopel8/14/2011 8:53 AM

    Wow, 63 people are up and commenting long before I am. :-) You have been instumental in encouraging me to keep a visual journal and I love it when I do it. Still trying to find a way to do it EVERYday. I do usually keep a journal when I travel. And right now I am doing the Ink Sketch a Day for 75 days committment. Small steps in the right direction. Thank you.

  66. Would I ever like to win these goodies. YES. I, like it seems many of your followers came to art journaling late in life. But it has opened up a lot for me in my artwork.
    Melva Bates

  67. Great giveaway! I would love to win..

  68. A three-fer! Wow, what an opportunity. I'm feeling lucky but it's hard to type with my fingers crossed.
    I want to take your class so much I'm on the email list for Joggles to remind me when it starts again.
    I really, really, really want to get into the habit of journaling every day. I have fallen in love with the diary-ness of blogging with photos and feel like a journal will move me along that path in a more creative way.
    Thanks so much for being so generous. Somebody will love winning this - I know I would!

  69. You are very inspirational to me - I would love to win this give-away!

  70. I would love a chance to win your prizes. I like to art journal when I'm not sure what larger project to start... gets my juices flowing.

  71. Visual journals are so much more "ME" than wordy ones.
    My journal is the perfect place to record the various thought and ideas that pop into my head - before I lose them forever. It's fun to re-visit them later.
    And joyously, some of my quick jots have been translated/transformed into greater works of art.
    I'd love to make that happen more often!

  72. Drawing is a big weak spot - and painting just plain 'how do I start?' scarey. Sounds like this generous goodie pack could set off on the right foot.

  73. What a fabulous give away! YAY! I'm doing the Sketchbook Project this year and it will be my first attempt at art journaling -- I need help!
    But even if I don't win - thanks for all your generosity - all the time - :-)

  74. Well, I have been trying to start a visual journal for ages, inspired by your own gorgeous work amongst others - and I just never get off the ground with it which is why I would just LOVE to win this fabulous package! Thank you for the inspiration!

  75. 60 is a great time to try new things. My partner is retiring in a few days, so life feels full of possibilities. Your daily news inspires me. Thanks for sharing your journey.

  76. I would be absolutely thrilled to win this very generous giveaway. In the last year I have been trying to hone my drawing skills. I would love to be able to draw and journal to capture everyday moments while out and about in public. I don't have the confidence or speed yet to do it. I'd love to win this!

  77. You are feeling generous! I would like to start a visual journal to keep tack of things that I find beautiful and inspiring.

  78. I've always loved seeing other people's journals, but have never really gotten one going for myself. I seem not to have the perseverance to do it long enough to make it a habit. My bad.

    I'd really like to start one and finish it over some period of time.

    Your prizes look WONDERFUL! Thx for the chance to win.

  79. I've always sketched my ideas, so I don't lose them but haven't used much decoration in the pictures. I need to move up to that and love what you do. Love Joggles classes too.

  80. I love working in an art journal because it helps get my creative juices flowing before I dig into my book that I am writing. :)

    Sarah Martin

  81. Hi Jane, this is such a great giveaway! I already keep several different visual journals and I'm never happy with any of them. The work I see in other people's journals moves me so much that I keep on trying, experimenting and hoping I'll figure out my style eventually. I also do art quilting and other mixed media work and would love to learn how to use my journal to help my other art. Thanks for sharing your own art and knowledge! - Ronni

  82. Wow Jane, what a fabulous giveaway!! I'd love to win, please enter me in the drawing.
    I love working in my journal but I'm still trying to figure out my style and what works best for me.

  83. Dear Jane, your giveaway is generous and exiting! Visual journal helps me to keep my thoughts and ideas together and I'd love to improve my journalling skills!

  84. Now that I'm retired and have the time, I would love to start an art journal. Thanks for the chance to win such great items!

  85. What a great giveaway! I'm just sort of starting to discover myself as an artist, and one of the things I'd like to get consistent at is keeping some sort of creative journal. This would be a great jump start for that!

  86. Would be really cool to win this fab giveaway. Thanks for being so generous

  87. Thanks for the giveaway Jane - I follow your blog and you on facebook. . I always enjoy your posts - you are SO creative and it is a constant source of inspiration for me.

    I keep a journal because I am a quilter. My journal though, is graph paper. I have a constant longing to get OFF the grid and quilt free-form. This would be a perfect place to start I think!!

  88. Even if I don't win this humongous giveaway, I'm still a winner - you've encouraged me to get drawing and I'm going to go do that right now. So, thanks for that! Take care.

    Tish (from Facebook)

  89. Hi Jane,
    What wonderful prizes. Winning would put me one step closer to fukfilling my resolution to taking one of your classes. Thank you for all of your posts. I read your blog daily.

  90. I love your sketching and have started my own journal from reading your blog. Love what you do.

  91. Keeping a journal keeps me alert to what is around me, not just happening, but sitting there waiting to be noticed and recorded. Your online class got me started, and your blog keeps me inspired. Thanks for all of that!

  92. What a doll you are Jane!!! This might get me tot he point where I could start to feel like I had been in one of your classes!!! Hopefully that will happen soon!

  93. What a wonderful package of creativity! We all have a chance to win this little bundle of awesomeness. Good Luck, Everyone :)

  94. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  95. Hi!
    My name is also Jane and I live in Sweden. I´ve just started my journaling and would love to get more "help" ... therefore this would be perfect :)

  96. Your blog is always inspiring to me. Thank you for posting all of the tutorials and sharing your love of art with the world.

  97. Dearest Jane,
    How cool that you are giving away these amazing gifts! I am imagining myself in your online class.

    Thank you for all that you have taught me so far. I am a better artist because of you.

    Take care,
    Lynn Hardin
    Irvine, California

  98. Wow! What an amazing giveaway!

    Thanks for the chance to win, Jane.

    good luck to us all!

  99. What a wonderful assortment of gifts! I have enjoyed all of your links and postings through the Sketchbook Challenge!

  100. I would so love to win this fantastic giveaway your work has always inspired me and is absolutely beautiful

  101. I love your art! This would be a fantastic giveaway to win :-)

  102. Visual journaling helps me capture the feeling of a time or place so I can revisit it again. While clipping magazine images at the campfire yesterday my brother said, "Tell me again about these books you make." Turns out, they evoke conversation at the most unexpected times and places. I'll go journal that memory now... thanks!

  103. Ooh you ARE feeling generous - what a great bunch of prizes!! I keep a visual journal to help me stay in the moment and focus my mind. I spend a lot of time living in the future and journaling helps bring me back to the present.

  104. Jane, I've been learning from you ever since Art Unraveled 2008 when I took your sketch and watercolor class. I would love to go even further in my visual journaling journey with your generous prize package! Thanks, Lorie

  105. I just started keeping a visual journal and I'm obsessed! I always kept a written journal as a teen and young adult and this just adds another dimension. Also, I'm just returning to all things artsy after a long hiatus and experimenting in my journal is less intimidating. I love your style, I find it very inspirational and I'd love to win this giveaway :)

  106. This is a wonderful giveaway. I love your work and really need a push to get out my art journaling things. I really hope to win this great prize. Thanks

  107. Jane your blog is just fabulous and your give away very generous!!! I would love to win this to get me out of the artist block i am in.

  108. How wonderful it must be to inspire so many people. You deserve the
    ✿ڿڰۣ(̆̃̃ღ Beautiful Spirit Award ღ(̆̃̃ڿڰۣ✿

    Cami Smith

  109. Hi Jane, I love your blog and I KNOW I'd love your DVD and other goodies. I'm just lately getting back into watercolor and drawing after a long while of being away. I am just starting an art journal to inspire me to go further! Thanks for the generous giveaway!

  110. Hi Jane! Still haven't bought your DVD so I'm throwing my hat in the ring! Justine

  111. I'd love to win the download of your Dvd and the other great prizes Inspiration comes from many directions and I so enjoy your blog and Facebook posts...I am a fan of your style and You do inspire,,,I thank you!

  112. I've only recently started to keep a journal and it doesn't yet look how I'd like it to look or as good as yours, but I can see that my pages are improving already and I'm finding it useful. I'm starting to go back to things that I've sketched down and use a motif in a new piece of design work. Or I'm getting things out of my head and scribbled onto pages along with smears of colour. I definitely want to keep working on it and I think I can keep improving.

  113. Your DVD would be a most welcome addition to my library. I need to be journalling more often. I forget to jot down my ideas and then they are gone.....

  114. Would love to win the free download and other prizes. I have been art journaling for a couple of years now.. it is the only place where I am truly fearless in expressing myself. Thank you for hosting this awesome giveaway!

  115. I just download your dvd but I would love to be able to take a class with you on drawing! I am sooo determined to learn to draw (and keep doing it!!) Thank you for this giveaway. I love your blog!

  116. Jane, dear! I was part of the Gardiner Maine Art Walk the other night. Although I featured my collages ( from Jane's class as well as an AbEx class in MARCH)) I also shared my art journal with my work from your class in March, a valuable addition to my growing strength as an artist! I keep your group open in Flickr as well. Thank you for being such a rock for the sketchbook challenge!

  117. using everyday items and turning them into!

  118. Beth Spencer8/14/2011 10:41 AM

    Finally getting to spend extended time in Ca, and hope I can find you in SD for a class while I'm there! Have just missed you in times past. Was avid follower of Danny and Cathy for quite some time, looking to get back in with both feet. Love your blog!!

    Beth Spencer

  119. Jane what a generous giveaway. Please count me in. I would love to win especially your DVD. Fingers crossed.

  120. Wow, what a delicious giveaway - thanks for the opportunity to win such awesome stuff!! I love how art journaling combines intuition with my thoughts, and how I can see a progression of what I like to do, art wise, in my art journals. Still tend to write the same way, but the art has changed throughout the years, and it reminds me of how I grow. :D

  121. Love your blog and tutorials - always so generous with your information. I am loving the sketchbook challenge. Thanks for offering this giveaway - Would love to win!

  122. Thank you for your genorous give away. I always struggle with my journaling so anything to give me a kick start would be appreciated.

  123. I find your blog truly inspiring...Thank you for the chance to win cool stuff!!!

  124. Oooohhh. Drooling over this giveaway! Thank you for the chance to win.

  125. I would love to win your CD and all the goodies! I play with mixed media all the time, but have just never made that jump to an art journal. I'd love to start - I've even purchased some journals too! Thanks for such a generous giveaway!
    Linda Harbin

  126. What a great giveaway! I'd love to win!

  127. What a generous and fabulous offer. Though I've just recently discovered you, I've kept sketchbook journals for YEARS!!! I set up my own personal challenges for each sketchbook and go from there. Currently working in filling a 60p 11x14 sketchbook with all ink drawings, sketches, abstracts, zentangles, mandalas, etc... This particular challenge is heightened as there "ARE NO MISTAKES" when working strictly with ink...helps me think outside my box if a "wrong" mark is made. As I once heard "there are no mistakes, only embellishment opportunities". Would love the chance (fiscal issues) to learn from you and further expand my horizons. Carpe' Diem & Happy Creating!!!

  128. I would love to win. Glad to see so many signed up.

  129. WOW - super generous prize! I would love to win! I love your work and any help is a plus.

  130. What a fabulous giveaway. I've just started a sketchbook/journal last week - it's the first I've done for about 8 or 9 years so these would be just the thing to help me on my way again.

  131. Jane- What a generous offer. Just as generous as your matching bids at AU. You really got the bak rolling and added to the scholarship fund!
    I've been eyeing journaling but just haven't gotten into full swing. I need all the help I can get. I'd love to have your tips and tricks, and the other cool stuff you're offering.

  132. I'd love to win this bundle of wonder-ful-ness! I love creating art journals and your ideas have just been introduced to me TODAY...I'm thankful!

  133. Wow! This is my first visit to your site. I feel like I received a prize by finding your tutorials. Thank you for sharing!

    Thank you for offering a prize drawing.

  134. I find your "anybody can do what I do" outlook very uplifting. I have tried drawing a banana in your style and was thrilled that it turned out so acceptably! The giveaway would be to share with a friend....she's had a lot of surgery lately and loves art journalling and always wants me to join her doing it. It would be the kick-start to get us going on it together! LOVE your blog and your newsletters.

  135. I've spent most of my life telling myself, I'm not good at art and denying my creative side. Recently, I have begun to investigate different techniques in an attempt to record my travels and life experiences. I want to keep learning new techniques and exploring ways to express myself.

  136. Jane, as you know I own your dvd(s) and they are outstanding. Thank you for always inspiring me to create and grow. You are the best.

  137. Jane - awesome giveaway! I enjoy your blog, am planing to enjoy your generous tutorials. thanks!
    <3 judi

  138. Kathryn Oftedal8/14/2011 11:26 AM

    Dear Jane,
    You are such an inspiration. Ever since a class with you at Create last year, I have been working up a proposal to offer an art and music day at my granddaughter's elementary school. The art and music programs have been cancelled this year due to budget cuts. (What are they thinking?). Anyway, these things are important, so I have planned a day of small groups, using a "Musician of the day" and an "Artist of the day" for inspiration. (Something akin to "Little Einsteins" on PBS.) I will offer a variety of mixed media materials, then allow them free reign for 20 minutes. winning any new materials will be useful.
    Keep up the good work.
    Kathryn Oftedal

  139. Hi Jane. I LOVE your new work! I love all of your work, LOL. I agree that there's nothing better than sharing your talent & trips with your husband too. Congratulations on the French Rivera, oh la la. Dreams DO come true.

  140. Lately I've found I don't get to the studio very often, with energy expended by day job & other responsibilities. Keeping an art journal would help by offering a regular rhythm of creativity & comfort. Maybe then, when I do get to the studio, it won't be such a Big Deal to get started again... :-)

    Thanks for the opportunity to win and for getting me thinking about the benefits of art journaling.

  141. Thank you Jane for this wonderful giveaway! I have only been reading your blog for a short while and need all the inspiration I can get to get back to my art journals. I need to figure out how to make the time to just pick up my journals.

  142. Jane - Wow!!! Put my had in the drawing for your fabulous items. I just started keeping a visual journal this month because I think daily practice will help me with my goal of drawing better. With just the limited pages I've done so far, I love looking back at my progress and seeing the objects that I drew.

  143. Oh, how lovely! I keep a visual journal because it keeps me doing creative things almost everyday! I find if I don't do something creative quite often, I get depressed and end up sitting around doing nothing. The journal keeps me up and going, looking for something to draw or write about.

  144. WOW. You are giving away lots of goodies! You are the coolest!

  145. Jane,
    What a wonderful prize. I love your classes and your blog! I am waiting for your fall online classes to be posted. With the economy a free class would make life easier. I continue to create in my journal and am still working on a quilt from one of your classes. Just can't stop adding stitches to the piece.

  146. Jane, count me in!! Love your Spoonflower fabric!! Cheers! JoAnn

  147. Jane,

    Just sent a comment as unknown...okay, I'm knew at all of this. Love your blog and would so much appreciate the DVD.

    Thank you for your inspiration and teaching style. Love it!!


  148. I am new to art journaling, but in the first several pages I have been surprised at the catharsis of getting feelings down and the joy of seeing them expressed in a visual manner. Thank you for the generous give-away! ~Karen

  149. Wow, I would love to win this fantastic package. Count me in.

  150. Jane, I found your blog quite by accident and now I check it everyday. I always check your new products and have used several of your sources to purchase the same things that you have. I am a printmaker and I do mostly mono prints or mono types and often use stencils in my work. I just finished a workshop on 3 color reduction mono print and I wish I had chosen something from those stencils to use! I would love anything that I would since I never win anything! Thanks for being an inspiration every day!

  151. I would love the opportunity to take a class with you, especially a class in Italy! The DVD seems like a great option. Perhaps I'll be able to go in the future. I love, love, love your artwork. It inspires me!

  152. I draw...I journal..I to get them all together.

  153. Hi This is indeed a generous giveaway. So many gifts. I got passionate about art journaling recently but I cannoy spend so much on the materials. Honestly I'm looking forward to win so that it'll help me to pursue this beautiful art of creating what is within me.

  154. Stephiebrimm8/14/2011 12:03 PM

    Hi Jane. Bill and Kristi steiner introduced me to your ork after going on a trip with them in May. I'd love to join you there in Orvieto next May and am working to see if we can make that happen!! I follow your bog every day and have been so inspired to paint and draw. Thanks for sharing your beautiful talent.

  155. Jane,

    How generous and exciting. I have not been successful keeping a journal, or even a sketch book, with any regularity. Would love any of these lovely prizes!

  156. I love your work, Jane, and read your blog frequently. I would love to be able to journal in a style similar to yours. I just need a push forward . . . I have the equipment (watercolors, brushes, etc.) but I procrastinate because I fear not being "good enough". I WANT to do this so much, but I guess I need someone to take me by the hand and tell me "yes you can, yes you can". So I would love to win this package of goodies and start to learn something new. I am a mere "68 years old" and I am always learning. (I don't feel like I am 68!) I have my fingers crossed, this would be a blessing to win and actually do something with the talents God gave me. Thank you!

  157. Jane,
    You inspire and re-inspire me. When I think I don't have time, I find I can do a small page as qucikly as you promise. Thanks for class at AU. I am proud to say I have done one watercolor journal page since I got home - it's a grand start!

  158. I love your art!!! I just bought my first set of watercolors and have tried them out. I would looove to win your giveaway!!

  159. Jane La Fazio! You are just so cotton picking generous! I'm trying to discipline myself into keeping a sketching journal...or something. I'm afraid that pencil sketching is a struggle (I'm bored with it) and getting out the watercolors is a little time consuming...I need a creature to sit in my shoulder and crack the whip!

  160. You are so generous. And an inspiration Thank you. I would love to keep visual journal because it would feed my art making. I have several journals going at once, but I would not call one a a visual journal

  161. Hi! I keep a journal but it is a junkmail journal made from (you guessed it!) junk mail and has lots of things glued in it. I have done a bit of sketching in it but would love to learn how to do more. Crossing my fingers!

  162. Wow, what a generous price! I would love, love, love to win!

  163. Have never really kept a journal. Wish I had. In another lifetime, I traveled with artists over all of North America and many points beyond. I truly wish I had kept a Russia and Japan and Norway and all the other wonderful stops along the way.

    Interestingly enough, I was thinking of all this earlier in the day before I saw your post. Must be ingrained.

  164. Hi Jane,

    Thank you for your generosity. Would love to win this package. Keeping a sketch journal is off an on for me, but something that I aspire to do on a more consistent basis.
    Thank you again,

  165. sweet prizes. would LOVE to win these. thanks.

  166. Oooh, please add my voice to the chorus of hopeful creatives wishing for their names to be chosen as winners of these wonderful giveaways. So many of my hero's sharing their wisdom amongst the pages of these books and dvd. If only it were me....(hoping hoping hoping). xx Dion.

  167. I begun to keep a visual journal a few years ago, but I'm sure there is an easier way/method of doing it.
    quilters r @ peoplepc dot com

  168. Wow Jane! Such an amazing assortment of inspirations!!Of course I would love to win - an on line class and the DVD had me right off! A visual journal is a great place to play with ideas, working them out for a later work. A good place to tuck inspirations and thoughts. I keep one nearby for those aha moments too!

  169. Jane,
    love your ideas and creativity...
    would love to win the dvd, book and

    Best wishes,

  170. I'm so glad I took a watercolor journaling class from you and am now planning a huge trip for next July to an amazing place that needs capturing in watercolor so I need more of your teachings to get ready for it. Can't do your Athenaeum course due to major surgery occuring in Oct but can sit at computer to watch your DVD and joggles and study the book so would love to win! Kind Regards, Terry, Oceanside,CA

  171. I would like to start a visual journal to keep track of all my ideas...I really need to start one because as I get older I forget about some of my ideas and need a little reminding. :-)

  172. WooHooOOO! Would love to win the "Janeville giveaway"! I'd love to be consistent with a visual journal to practice drawing/painting techniques. Thanks Jane!

  173. Jane you are fabulous! Learning to draw from you has opened up a whole new world for me. Of couse I need to be more consistent with my drawing and definately need help in mixing colors. Winning your giveaway would certainly be a step in the right direction. My best to you and your sweet hubby. Catherine

  174. i LOVE this giveaway!!!! i want to win. i have made art journals, but haven't kept a visual journal YET!! would love to. thank you. carlanda

  175. Please include me in your Hot Summer give. I love to learn new techniques and ideas for art in my life. Thank you so very much...

  176. Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! I've got my fingers crossed for your giveaway. Love your work and your wonderful, bubbly personality.

  177. I love your work, Jane. Journaling is a way to slow down and appreciate what we have. We recognize its importance when we duplicate it in fabric.

  178. What an amazing wonder there are so many people trying to win it. Good luck to all of us. x Why do l do l keep a visual journey? Um....l was always told l could not draw and would never be able to..great Art teacher that! Since l have found your blog l have come to realise that learning how to draw need not be so frightening. So l draw to remind myself each day that l just need to pratice and that drawing is in the eye of the behold and should be fun....and the writting grounds me each day.
    So here's luck for all of us and thanks Jane for giving away this amazing "giveaway".xx have a good week..Lyndaxx

  179. this is THE BEST GIVEAWAY EVER!!! my visual journal is a combinatioon of a sketchbook, notebook, to do list and an idea book. I'm in the process of finding the perfect size... The one that I am using is too big to carry every day, but the one that I carry in my purse is too small to use for what I want it for..... I'm thinking that a not-too-thick 5x7 would be perfect......thank you for providing me with the space to work that out, Jane :) What would I do without you????

  180. Love your work. Would love to win the DVD.

  181. What an awesome giveaway! You are so generous with everything.

    I would like to do a visual journal, but I am not happy with my drawing skills.

  182. What a wonderful gift. Thank you so much. I would love to win.

  183. What perfect timing to find this! I keep coming back to the Sketchbook Challenge sites because I so want to add sketching to my journals. They feel flimsy and boring to me now, but there is always HOPE, is there not? THANKS for posting. I'm going to check out your books a bit further right now! Bless you.

  184. Hi Jane
    I keep a visual journal to see my progress. I didnt have much confidence in my drawing skills. My journal shows where I was in the beginning and where I am at at the present time. It's improved my confidence and shows me where improvement is needed. Hope to win one or ALL of your goodies. New supplies always help to keep my creativity juices going.

  185. What a great giveaway! I love your work and read your blog daily. I am looking forward to meeting you in person at your December workshop in Encinidas! I talked my husband into making the trip with me and he is going to go sailing while I go painting :)

  186. I love your blog and your instructions. Visual Journalling makes life worth living - TRULY!

  187. How great to find your blog! Of course I would love to win all the nifty prizes you are giving away.
    Why would I like to keep a visual journal? To give me a structured environment to increase my creative skills.
    Thanks Jane!

  188. Jane,
    You can't imagine how much your work has influenced me this year. I await your blogs eagerly and am always excited to try something new following your instructions. Your zest for life comes through exuberantly in everything you write and your enthusiasm for art is contagious. You even inspired me to start writing about my own art and sending away articles.... my first was published this summer in quilting arts! Your prayer flags were a huge inspiration to my summer university class. Thank you from my heart for all you share.
    Kathy Reid

  189. I would love your giveaway! After taking your class at Create Costa Mesa, I found out how wonderful you are as an artist and a person.

  190. Please, please pick me. I love your drawing.

  191. I like keeping a visual journal because it's practice drawing and painting everyday. And when I look back through them, I remember what I was doing and thinking more so than with photos. Love your tutorials and posts about all the places you've been for classes.

  192. thanks Jane for always being so free with your creativity. I have been following your blog for awhile and am always inspired. Of course, I would love to receive anything at all from you. Thanks

  193. I'm definitely in need of some inspiration this week! This is a great prize and I'd be thrilled to win it!

  194. Donna Conley8/14/2011 1:41 PM

    Hi Jane, What a great prize! I took your class last year in Saluda, NC and my Grandkids and I are keeping sketchbook journals.

  195. I would love to win some free stuff. I really enjoy your blog and being taught things alone the way.Loved the Arizona Heat monoprint. Have a nice day

  196. Ohh please include me. I have just started journalling and always looking for ways to improve my work.

  197. I will be here working thru one of your great tutorials while Iwait to hear who won the prize.

  198. Hi Jane, this prize is fabulous and I would love to win it (although I did buy a download version of your DVD just yesterday. I have just started your Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style ON LOCATION course and right now I am feeling very nervous about it. I really don't have any drawing skills, am still at the stage of learning to see rather than drawing what I think I see, which is proving quite hard!

    All and any help I could get would be wonderful - which is what this prize would be for me - wonderful.

  199. Keeping a visual journal makes me happy. Frustration might be part of the process but at end I'm always happy.
    Thank you Jane, you inspire me.

  200. MEMEMEMEME!!!!!How I'd love to win this! Iknow,I am taking your class at Create next week...but still...I really need to learn to draw and paint before Orvieto next month,as well as San Miguel!!!
    Thanks for the chance,Jane!


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