Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Geranium Monoprints

retro geranium

retro geranium

retro geranium

Geranium and blue

Geranium and blue detail

Geranium and blue detail

Geranium and blue detail
Monoprints on cloth. I made these before I knew about Gelli Plates. And, they are now part of Pokey Bolton's art collection. :-)


  1. This is so lovely!

  2. Not at all surprised that Pokey snatched these up!!! She has excellent taste!!!! She also knew that she only had one chance as these are stunning!!!

  3. thank you again for letting us know about Gelli-plates; my friend and I had a great day yesterday mono-printing the afternoon away!! I really need to move on to using cloth though. Maybe this afternoon!

  4. Beautiful Jane!!!. I love geletin plates. They are so much fun and so versitile. These one are much better than my ones....i need to practice I think : )

  5. Lovely! And I am so glad you mentioned Gelli plates. Looks like a bunch of fun with minimal start up and clean up.

  6. Your stitching is lovely...what a lovely piece!

  7. Congrats to Pokey for snatching these beauties up! Can't wait to see more of your work 'with' the Gelli gel plates too! Thanks for sharing :)
    (Gelli Arts)


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