Sunday, January 06, 2013

The Kindness Chronicles

the kindness chronicles

helping hands project
Helping Hands made for Sandy Hook, CT by my Mundo Lindo students

I received a beautiful thank you note
from a student

Kathleen McKenna Murphy wrote on facebook:
Random act of kindness we are at Dulles international airport, walked by a soldier getting massage, I paid for it....he was on his way back to Iraq after meeting his new baby daughter...feeling good :)

A VIDEO of "My Name is Sam" by Berkley Hart (a great local San Diego band). It's a song about 'the best few minutes." a good reminder for all of us...

painted rocks
I drew on the rocks with Sharpie poster paint pens
my word for 2013 is LOVE


  1. Jane, How does one participate if you don't do a blog? Since I went with kindness as my word this year, I want to participate in the chronicles, but am not sure how. Is this it? Do I just comment on someone's post?

  2. Rachel dear, you can leave a comment here on what you did that month for kindness....Join me! xoxox

  3. Jane, is that all I need to do, leave my comment? Last month I invited two families I wasn't acquainted with to our home for Thanksgiving dinner. It was chaos but fun and memorable too. :)

    Sheila in Oregon

  4. Thanks you Jane - I love hearing about the wonderful human spirit . I would like to join in the kindness chronicles - already this month - my local pharmacy gave me a some great gifts ( just for telling them they gave me too much change) and my friend helped me out with an art project - in fact, she saved me. I will write about these on my blog later today.


Thanks so much for visiting!