Saturday, January 05, 2013

tiny tutorial ~ Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style

Jenn Mason filmed me last year at CREATE. You know I'm teaching there again this year in Southern California, New Jersey and Chicago. 
And my online Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style class is open for registration, where you'll get more of this, step by step lessons to print out and save, and of course, critiques from me and accolades from your classmates. Class starts January 24th. Details here.


  1. I enjoyed watching your technique on the zippers. I wish I didn't live so far away. It would be a fun class!

  2. Its good to see how you go about the process of a quick sketch with water-soluble pencils and a water-brush; its the ideal kit for a quick sketch and fits nicely into a bag or purse!
    And a little bird whispered that you are involved with the Strathmore workshops this year! Thats great news! Really looking forward to it!

  3. You are awesome delightful and so very inspiring!! happy 2013!!!

  4. Thank you, Jane! This took me right back to France and I'm feeling inspired again!

  5. This is great. I love hearing your voice.

    I'm using pencil for my new illustrated column but I never use it for my journal drawings. Maybe it would help me be a better artist!

    Thanks for sharing your tutorials and wisdom. Love it!


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