Sunday, February 03, 2013

The Kindness Chronicles

the kindness chronicles

From this blog

  • Kaye Clark Teronde shared this kindness on facebook: "On the monorail tonight, a special needs little boy looked at Paul, pointed and said ,"Santa!" He was so excited. The next 20 minutes was filled with talk of Ruby the sleigh and all the reindeer. Paul made it so beautiful for this child."

You can download this here.

  • I read about the Kindness Challenge in the local newspaper. I loved that one school had students dress in yellow and black for “Bee Kind Day.” One volunteer parent set up “Kindness Station” where kids could accomplish several of the challenges, such as making a bookmark or making a card for a friend, or writing thank-you notes for cafeteria workers, bus drivers and others.The concept is simple. Students from kindergarten through high school are challenged to complete a 50-point checklist of deeds within a week (or anytime!) You can download the list here.
  • I did some very simple kindnesses by gathering newspapers from a driveway in my neighborhood, and taking them to the front door of the home.
  • I'm making valentines for my friends. (And created a tutorial for you, dear readers,  on Tuesday, February 5th.)
valentine tutorial
Valentine Tutorial on Feb 5, here on JaneVille

  • I invited a friend to an art reception/lecture, and paid her way, just because.
  • I gave a scholarship to my online class to a facebook friend. it was an unexpected surprise for her.


  1. You're going to make valentines "from" your friends ? How do you plan to get them through the post box? Lol

    Thanks for sharing these links. I'm going to share the Kindness Challenge with my Safe and Caring School committee-some nice things there to consider.

    Shine on!

    1. Yeah, Kelley. Sorry about the typo. It's just me doing all I do, and I certainly make mistakes...
      Glad to hear you'll share the kindness challenge with your school.

  2. I love the kindness challenge, i try to be kind everyday, because in this day and age and the stress everybody has in there life you need a little kindess . You are so kind to share your tuts with us, your a fabulous artist, and you take the time to share, thank you so much

  3. Sooz Weissberg2/04/2013 8:37 AM

    I thought I wrote a comment yesterday, but don't see it. Maybe I don't know how to post a comment.


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