Sunday, March 10, 2013

from my sketchbook

from my sketchbook
Everybody is a critic. BeBop ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
in progress from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
from my sketchbook
Buddy weighs in. 
I'm working on the lessons for my next online class offering "Sketching  and Watercolor in a Mixed Media Sketchbook." It starts March 22 and you can sign up now. This class is geared for students who have had some experience in drawing or taken Sketching & Watercolor from me.   

If you're new to drawing, I suggest taking my Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style first. And it starts March 21. (it's nearly full!)
(You can get a glimpse of the class structure on this post.)

I'll run both these online classes again, probably mid to late summer.
Recent reviews of my online class: Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style 
"I learnt to just let go, and ignore the voice in my head that says "you can't draw" (those High School teachers who saw me as the science kid cast a long shadow!). My biggest fear was the critique of yourself and my fellow students - but that critique was nothing but constructive, true and instructive. Everyone has been lovely, and supportive, and kind - and truly engaged in what we were all doing. I discovered something which has brought me real pleasure and makes me look it everything in a slightly different and more engaged way - from grocery shopping, to the daily commute, to the dog walk. Possibly the best £50 I have spent in years ! Thank you so much Jane for being such a great, great teacher and for bringing out our best in a really honest but gentle way. Your instructions and guidance are outstanding, but the real strength is the thoroughness of your feedback and the non-judgmental approach you take to your instruction and critique. Time to stop typing........I think I am getting carried away now..... Quite simply, thank you for opening my eyes and my mind to art journalling !"

"I've really enjoyed this class and I have learned SO much. I appreciate the careful sequencing of lessons, the great models from your sketchbook, the clear taped demonstrations, and the wonderful easy-to-follow lessons. But the best two things about this class are the timely and useful feedback from you and my classmates -- and the fact that I have actually finished some little pieces of art over the past few weeks. In some of the "real life" classes I've taken, feedback was rare and not terribly useful, and I've finished many a term with pages started but nothing finished. Thank you, Jane."

"I have signed up for a couple of other on line water color courses and yours is the only one I've actually participated in. I think it's because you really engage with us and actually teach us what to do. Even though I've done this course with you before, I needed it again to restart my enthusiasm for water color journaling. I hope you'll do another one Jane - maybe with different subjects. I just can't tell you how invaluable a teacher you are. I really appreciate what you do (knowing that you have many other medium interests!)"

"Oh, Jane, I have learned so much. I have learned to see better. The continuous line assignment was so eye opening. I am mixing my paints better and really showed off the black I mixed for the last lesson. (I suspect my husband thinks I've lost it.) I look at the ordinary objects I encounter with new appreciation. The group has been so supportive and I've particularly enjoyed the different places we seem to occupy on our art journeys. Thanks so much for you critiques. I will see you again."

"I made a commitment to myself in January to concentrate on my drawing. I try to draw everyday. This class has kept me on track. I am also a visual learner so the videos and step by step process in the class were just perfect for me. I think (and hope) I am getting looser with my watercolor application. That was another goal of mine. I can't tell you how much I am inspired by you, Jane. Your supportive comments were very much appreciated. Also a big THANK YOU to all the other students who posted their work and made comments. It is such a joy to feel like you are part of an art community. See in a couple of weeks. "

"Jane, thanks very much for your very thoughtful and helpful feedback for each of the lessons. The advice you gave me on each of my lessons definitely improved the original work and helped me in further lessons. It also gave me the confidence to really stretch myself and try more challenging subjects, and not be afraid to share the results! I've also learned to be bolder (ie more confident!) with my colours, and to remember to draw and paint what I see, not what I think I see!! I enjoy very much looking at everyone else's submissions as well, really inspiring. And I really love your style, Jane, so it was really nice that you shared so many examples from your own sketchbooks. Thank you!"
"Wow, I am so very amazed at the progress I've made in a few short weeks, thanks to your excellent and very clear lessons. Seeing you in action in the videos was particularly helpful. Working on drawing in this class brought home a couple of important life lessons: I really can do things that I think I cannot do, and it is so important to see what is really there, rather than what you are expecting to see. Thank you so much!!! I wonder if you are planning any kind of landscape drawing class that does not involve travel to exciting parts of the world. I will wait for that online, or else save my pennies and join you in the South of France sometime! A person can dream, right? "

"Jane, thank you so much! This course has been so much fun. The lessons were clear and helpful and so engaging. I love that I was fully immersed in the process as I was drawing and painting. It also gave me some courage and confidence about using more water-color. I will keep practicing! It was nice to have the weekly deadlines, which helped me to make time for art in my busy week. Thanks so much for your kind and encouraging feedback! "


  1. Nicely done Jane. Love the color choices that your've made for this piece. All too often I get hung up trying to make the colors realistic when in fact a differnt hue might be better. BRAVO!

  2. Buddy loves your work, as do the rest of us!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Great inspiration for today's sketchbook!


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