Friday, March 08, 2013

works in progress

works in progress
I'm still stitching on these ~ art and photo by Jane LaFazio
I always a bunch of projects to work on. Like the ones above, I stitch on them while I watch TV in the evening. (I do the design work in my studio)
works in progress
from my sketchbook ~ a page in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
And I've got partially completed pages in my sketchbook.  
works in progress
still not quite resolved ~ in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
These birds have been around a long time! I need to resolve this (suggestions welcome!) because I really do like it--it's just not complete yet.
works in progress
Nearly finished, just needs a little more, like some beads and sequins ~ by Jane LaFazio
Machine needle felting. I love doing this, and will be creating some new machine felted pieces since I'm teaching this as a one day workshop at CREATE this summer. This blue one just needs a bit more work.
works in progress
detail work in progress
works in progress
work in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
The bird above is quite cute. When I photographed the whole (unfinished) piece, I noticed the black in the border was way too dominant. That's why I'm not showing it to you yet.
works in progress
work in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
Another small story quilt in progress.
works in progress
work in progress ~ now it needs a unifying focal point ~ by Jane LaFazio
Monoprinted piece that needs some time in my studio.
As my busy teaching/traveling season is starting soon, I'm motivated to finish these to show my students and maybe sell some of them at the venues where I'll be teaching.


  1. Very very pretty works. The patchworks, collages, quilt... we call them. All are fine and awesome.

  2. I love it all. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I just love your work so, so much, Janey. On those two little birds, my eye imagined some type of recycled lace around the straight edges of the second bird, but the lace would be died or painted similarly to the background, so that the bird nestled in more with ... the background. That's my suggestion/idea, for what it's worth.

  4. I adore the birds..........! beautiful!

  5. Oh oh oh! Just so beautiful. Love it all! The felted piece would be awesome with gold yellow our actually gold - it looks like " starry night" to me. Did you paint the birds or were they part of fabric? I am just amazed. I don't think I've created since last summer/ fall. We've had a hard time at our house with medical issues for both my daughter and myself. I am praying we are in the upswing and that there will be enough of me emotionally and physically so start working at my drafting table again. Thank you for sharing!

  6. Always beautiful. These pieces inspire me to start another hand stitchy project

  7. I agree with adding more lace to the second bird, but I also think it might be nice to add a branch that weaves across both. (I see it coming from the right to the left and adding more content to the negative space around each bird.)

  8. Jane,
    Thank you for sharing your works in progress. I love the simplicity, textures, colours and variety. It speaks to me of harmony and balance...true to who you are!! Love that you share so generously.
    Enjoy the retreat...wish I was there!!

    And...planning on Tuesday and wondering about a supply list? Thanks,

  9. Love your work too Jane. Maybe the birds' background could be a softer colour...pale blue..yellow?

  10. As always, such beautiful work!

  11. love them all. i'm like you can't just work on one project at a time.

  12. These all look great but I LOVE that needle felted one especially :)

  13. I love your handwork, and thanks to you, I now have stacks of small works too! We're on our way to the beach today, and I'll be navigating, knitting, and embroidering.....not nearly as much fun as tomorrow when we'll be there, but it'll do!


  14. These are amazing, I love your work. I had thought of a painted background for the second bird (very light, maybe suggesting branch or leaves), but also like the idea of colored threads used for some vertical stitching behind the bird, perhaps of varying lengths.
    You have such an amazing and varied talent!

  15. On the birds, the idea of completing the surrounding of the second bird with some lace and possibly bridging it even more with the left bird is my thought. It looks as if the birds are communicating with each other. The monoprints are so very harmonious. I like how the dark tile on the right side has such varied hues. Did you mask part of this with a stencil?


Thanks so much for visiting!