Tuesday, April 09, 2013

from my sketchbook ~ 8 objects 8 ways BIRDS!

8 objects 8 ways
sketchbook page in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
8 objects 8 ways
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
I'll be teaching a 2 day workshop ~ 8 objects 8 ways- on July 1 & 2 in San Diego. (Registration isn't open yet)
8 objects 8 ways
 detail of sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
8 objects 8 ways
sketchbook page in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
8 objects 8 ways
 detail of sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
8 objects 8 ways
 detail of sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
I've drawn my bird collection many times over the years. Here are some of the pages (and aren't I glad I date my sketches!)
more of my bird collection....

bird collection continued


feb 10

ceramic bird
Do you have a collection of something? have you drawn it?


  1. I love all your posts ,,, birds and fish ,flowers and weeds

  2. . . . love all you do, Jane, but esp. these birds. I restored a late 1800s bungalow in a small village a few years ago- it is all vintage, nature and birds - not a conscious thing - just filled it with what I loved and had only myself to please at the time (have a wonderful husband now and we live in his house in the country). Anyway, this gives me the idea to start sketching/painting/whatevering all my birds! How I wish I could take a workshop with you. Could I possibly interest you in a Nebraska Sandhills (Google it - incredible place) working vacation? We have an fantastically- fun bunch of artists in our Sand Painters Art Guild (FB us!). I could guarantee you an amazing outdoorsy time and I know I could fill up a class AND you could stay in my sweet little bungalow :) Or my wonderful tipi :) Or swing in the hammocks or air chairs by the creek. Oh, I could go on and on :)

  3. This is awesome. We are kindred spirits in Bird Land. Love all the pages.

  4. I have a rather large collection of Pigs of assorted types..... although no real ones. They would be fun to draw & paint!

  5. I love it when you sketch over a page of writing, such as with the bird sketched over the chicken recipe. Oh so much inspiration Jane!


  6. such an array of birds and to finish with the cute little blue bird.


Thanks so much for visiting JaneLaFazio.com!