Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring in Wisconsin ~ from my sketchbook

wisconsin workshop
Wisconsin, April 2013 photo by Jane LaFazio
Just home from Green Bay, Wisconsin, where I taught a weekend workshop. Thankfully, it was indoors, and filled with warm, wonderful women!
wisconsin workshop
from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
Yes, we bought bouquets of flowers from the store, to draw and paint.
wisconsin workshop
 detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
wisconsin workshop
 detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
wisconsin workshop
 detail from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
wisconsin workshop
Wisconsin, April 2013 photo by Jane LaFazio
Can you see the  icicles too? We saw lots of birds, but I doubt any were living here.
wisconsin workshop
Wisconsin, April 2013 photo by Jane LaFazio
wisconsin workshop
monoprint quilt ~ in process ~ by Jane LaFazio
I also taught the women monoprinting with geli plates and free spirited free motion quilting. I'll finish my demo piece and show you later.
wisconsin workshop
Wisconsin, April 2013 photo by Jane LaFazio


  1. Teaching is such fun! I very much like your mono print piece. The layers and colors are really intriguing and pretty. I love using the Gelli with fabric too.

  2. Thanks Jane for a wonderful workshop! I had so much fun and learned even more. I have been sketching everyday. It is a great skill to have to pass time on conference calls. :) We really do have love summers and falls, so I hope you visit Wisconsin again to get a better taste.

    1. So great meeting you, Paula! and it makes me so happy that you are sketching and watercoloring! xo

  3. Une publication qui sent bon le printemps... Vos oeuvres sont pleines de délicatesse.
    Gros bisous

  4. BRRRRR!

    lovely mono prints and sketching/painting!


  5. Ah yes, you cold blooded Californians!!! HA HA welcome to the midwest!!!
    Looks like a very fun class.

    1. Frieda, it certainly made me appreciate San Diego and the color green!

  6. Beautiful. When I get settled from our move, I am looking forward to taking classes with you!

  7. What beautiful images--both drawn and photographed--those are! There is promise in those images; promises of new and renewed. Nothing like a crisp day in the snow to help you appreciate all that is beautiful of life. Thank you for your beautiful artwork and your willingness to share it!


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