Friday, September 20, 2013

Cereal Box book in progress

Here's a VIDEO about my Cereal Box book, in progress. (Yes, I need a better name for this project!)
NOTE: if you get my blog posts via email, you need to visit my blog to see the video.
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
I started this cereal box book a while back. It's just a fun project that I work on when I have time. The color scheme came from photos I took of some gorgeous pink peonies back in May.

cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
I bought a bouquet of pink flowers, to help me continue my theme.

cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
The book is not done! It's still in progress, and this is how it looks today. I know I want to add some writing...but not sure what else. And I do plan on binding it when it's complete.
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
The last frame of the video (in this post) has the materials I've used on the project, if you're curious.
cereal box book
in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
So, I've got two questions for you, esteemed readers of this blog:
1. Do you like that I'm adding more videos to my blog?
2. Have you got any suggestions for my cereal box book?

Thanks for reading!!


  1. How about 'Breakfast Time Reading' or 'Fiber Arts'


  2. I love the video. Ummmm more idea's? I wish I was feeling more creative on a Friday night :)

  3. I really like the idea of using the cereal box and that you are going to be making a journal.
    The video is really interesting and fast paced.
    Have you ever considered, when you are doing your artistic work on the cereal box, that you might want to add a book binding class on line for us to see your process of how you will be doing the binding. I noticed you have diffeent sizes of boxes that you used for your art and it would be very helpful to see your process.

    1. Well now, Barb, when I figure out how I plan to bind it, I will definitely show you! :-)

  4. I like it! I like it! Great use of cereal boxes. When you said you needed a better name, "The Cheery-O Project" popped into my head! Obviously, because I immediately thought of Cheerios. I look forward to seeing more!

    Have a creatabulous day,

  5. Great project, but I think your slideshoe needs to be a little slower so we have time to see your art work!

    1. Thanks! I figured people could just watch it again, or hit pause, but next time I will slow it down...thanks!

  6. I like the cereal project and the video idea. I would only ask that you slow down the speed from one picture to the other so we can have enough time to really look at what you are doing and how you are doing it. Your work is so delightfully fresh and spontaneous that for those who want to emulate it, we need a wee bit more time with each slide. Oh, and I like the idea above of the Cheery-O project!

  7. If only we had decent intenet connection to enjoy it.

  8. HEY Jane! Waving hello - I just listened to you on Morna's Passion to Profit interview replay. You were FANTABULOUS!

    I have been a graphic designer for a long time and the last year+ I have started to license my art. Really enjoyed hearing your story and picked up several nuggets of great information.

    Thanks so much for doing the interview and take care,

    1. so glad you liked the interview Annie!! thanks for coming by.

  9. Love it! I seriously need lessons. There are none locally, so tutorials would be nice. Maybe you have them.....I just found you. :) Thanks!

    1. yup, lots of tutorials on here, Diane!

  10. Jane, you are such an inspiration! I love your videos and all of your posts. In the video i particularly liked how you went from the pictures of the actual flowers to the progression of how you drew/painted them (almost makes me believe I could do one!)
    Please continue with tutorials/videos, they are so fabulous. you are so generous to share.
    Linda B.

  11. LOVE! Agree video fast; I watched it 4 times in a row already. What a gorgeous project, I hope there will be a class on this someday.

  12. Love the video Jane, please keep them coming. They are so inspiring. As for the Cereal Box book, I love how it is coming together. Couple of ideas come to mind if you are looking for something else to add to them. How about some machine stitching, perhaps creating a border around the whole page. Or, a simple drawn border using pencil or marker.
    Thank you for the lovely post to read and watch over my morning coffee!

  13. Also, I've been wanting to incorporate my photos into journal work for a long time. This may inspire me to finally tackle the cactus photo/art journal I've been thinking about.

  14. Speaking of cactus, my other friend Jane and I are on the waiting list for Tucson :-) Yay!

  15. Jane! I love that you are adding videos to your blog. Thank You! Your CB book is beautiful. I am so inspired.

    My only suggestion would be to claim the time to play with it as much as your heart desires.

  16. I don't know how it's possible, Jane, but you become a better artist and more inspirational as time passes! I am so grateful--even from just an aesthetic viewpoint--that you are willing to share your beautiful artwork with us! And I, too, vote for the descriptive title of 'Fiber Arts', though 'Fibre Arts' might distinguish it from it's former function as breakfast food. ;-) Oh! And if you're able, keep those videos and demos coming! They are an instructional breath of fresh air whenever they appear!

  17. I love the video. I plan on watching it many times with lots of pauses. I'll find it very helpful. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure it took a lot of time to make it.

  18. I love inspirational videos like this one where I can see part of the process . . .and love the idea of recylcing cereal boxes. Maybe recycling could creep into the title?

  19. Bebop's Branew Book.

    I love the work you are doing - as always - the video is great. I would love to hear you talk about the process on a video as well - but I know that would be way more work.

  20. Hi Jane, I loved this video. I didn't mind the fast pace because I imagined this as a more inspirational video than for technique. I would love to see more of both types and agree with someone else's post about seeing a little bit about binding. Of course, perhaps some of these things might already be incorporated into one of your online classes which I do intend to take (am taking the Strathmore class by you right now). I'm rambling--bottom line, I thoroughly enjoyed this and loved the way you faded in and out between the photographs of the flowers to your work and would love to see more. Nothing is coming to mind for titles but I loved what someone else posted: Cheery O!
    Thank you Jane!

  21. Jane I love how you see and how you translate it into beauty. Thanks for sharing and your video was so inspiring. I was reminded when I was doing your class and i chose to slow down and really see. Love it!

  22. Wow, a cereal box never looked so good! Videos are great, Jane, and you seem to have a real knack for them!


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