Monday, September 23, 2013

hand made felt piece ~ in the beginning stages of creation

wet felting project
the beginning of a project ~ Jane LaFazio
I've started a new project, made from my hand made felt. You can see the start of it above. Remember my piece, "Zen Eucalyptus" . This is exactly how it started. Cutting up squares, stitching on them, and then, reassembling them into a composition.
wet felting project
wet felting in progress ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
I taught a wet felting workshop on Saturday, and this is my piece in progress. (Yummy merino wool roving.)
wet felting project
wet felting in progress~ photo by Jane LaFazio
wet felting project
wet felted piece 20x20 "~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Above is how it looked completely felted.
wet felting project
wet felted pieces cut up and stitched on ~ Jane LaFazio
My plan is to cut my new piece up, and stitch on them so that they blend with these squares that I've already stitched on. We shall see!
wet felting project
wet felted pieces cut up and stitched on ~ Jane LaFazio
wet felting project
wet felted pieces cut up and stitched on ~ Jane LaFazio


  1. Loving pieces. Gorgeous color ! Finishing with stitches are wonderful pieces.

  2. Great colors, anxious to see what you do with them

  3. Zen Eucalyptus is my favorite piece of yours. Can hardly wait to see this new one.

  4. thanks everyone!! I'll keep you posted!


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