Friday, September 27, 2013

Poke Salad Annie! quilt in progress

Poke Salad Annie ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
Thanks to you, my lovely readers, I found out that the photo I took in Central Park was of Poke Weed. I've started an art quilt with pink and green and poke weed as my theme.
Poke Salad Annie ~ in progress
machine stitching poke week design ~ Jane LaFazio
That means, I rummage around in my studio for cloth that speaks to my theme. Here I'm using fabric that I've gelli printed, stenciled and or stamped. Then, I"m free motion machine stitching the poke berries design on the cloth.
poke weed ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
Poke Salad Annie ~ in progress
machine stitching poke week design ~ Jane LaFazio
Poke Salad Annie ~ in progress
machine stitching poke week design ~ Jane LaFazio
poke weed ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
poke weed ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
poke weed ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
poke weed ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
poke weed ~ in progress
Poke Salad in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
I've got a bunch of ideas swimming around in my head, and each time I sit down to work on this quilt, I sing right along with Elvis "Poke Salad Annie!"


  1. These are gorgeous! I love the shapes and the colors of your cloths... I should go through my vast collection of photos of flora and fauna and find some inspiration to play, since I have an ever growing mound of fabric just waiting to be used up! Maybe this winter I'll have more time...

    1. Yes, Judy! it's a great way to find inspiration and a theme.

  2. Love it! And the way you incorporated all those different colors is genius.

  3. Wow! I love the rhythm you've created with the poke weed. Thanks for getting Elvis to buzz around my head!

  4. That is hilarious to link (and sing) to Elvis!
    Do you chalk in your designs, or have you sketched the poke weed so much that you can free motion stitch by eye?
    In any case, it's gorgeous, and I can't wait to see the finished results!

    1. thanks! I'm free motioning by eye. I have don't them in my sketchbook yet...duh, that should have been what I did first, but I was too excited to begin stitching.

  5. Jane - These are fabulous - love the colors, the incredible free motion stitching - just everything!!!!

  6. Jane, this is awesome!! I love the theme! You ALMOST have me inspired to try some free motion quilting! :)

  7. loving the poke weed quilting! can't wait to see it all together!

  8. Jane! This quilt is so beautiful I want first dibs on buying when it is finished! Love that name - you and I are from the same musical era - and of course the best one!
    Took my hubby to see Steely Dan the other night -simply fantastic.

    Onward quilter!!

  9. Oh, I do love this style you have! I wish I lived closer so I could take a class in this free motion, art quilting that you do. You are a master of art quilting!!!

  10. Too cool Jane. You're an inspiration!

  11. I love all the pieces! Your style is so soft and relaxed. I'm looking forward to seeing it all put together.
    Also, I'm wondering just how you'll do it since I can see that all the individual pieces are sandwiched with batting.

  12. holy cow! I love the way these are coming out. Gorgeous!

  13. holy cow! I love the way these are coming out. Gorgeous!

  14. Oh I love what you are doing with your pokeweed inspiration. These are really fabulous pods with gorgeous colors. I see a fettish coming with this one- and a stencil.


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