Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Sketchbook Challenge hand carved houses

houses and hideaways
sketchbook page detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
houses and hideaways
sketchbook page detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
Welcome to The Sketchbook Challenge blog hop! The theme is Houses & Hideaways.

houses and hideaways
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
houses and hideaways
hand carved stamps by Jane LaFazio
houses and hideaways
sketchbook page ~ by Jane LaFazio
houses and hideaways
stamped fabric and the beginnings of embroidery ~ by Jane LaFazio

Here's a VIDEO inspired by The Sketchbook Challenge blog hop and its theme "Houses and Hideaways."

There's a fabulous blog hop going on over at The Sketchbook Challenge. If you missed some of the posts, go here to catch up.

Oh, and by the way, my online classes are open for registration! Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style and Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal. Leave a comment on which class you'd like to take, and I'll choose one person for a FREE scholarship for each online class! Check back here on October 2nd when I announce the winners!


  1. You have such a variety of styles that you create. It always looks so lively and colorful. I would love to try another one of your workshops. Thank you for offering this.

  2. Jane - these stamps are fabulous and so inspiring. I love the stitching - wonderful idea. Any of your classes would be a joy to take. Thank you for this generous giveaway!

  3. Enjoyed your free class at Strathmore. Would love to take the mixed media class.Thanks for the chance.

  4. Hi Jane, firstly your work is truly inspirational! I just love it! I started following the Sketchbook Challenge at the beginning of the month after deciding to overcome my thoughts of not being artistic (stick figures count as art, right?) I'd love to join your Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class - being online is perfect for me as I'm all the way in Australia :) Either way I'll definitely be following your blog.


  5. Your little houses stamps are wonderful Jane, they work so well for mixed media.
    I am fairly new to watercolour and have recently fallen in love with journalling. If I was lucky enough to take one of your classes I would choose the sketching and watercolour journalling one, I think I could learn so much from it.
    Best wishes, Lynne

  6. What a fun tutorial! You've inspired me to get out my stamp carving things and get busy. I'd be delighted to win a free scholarship to Sketching and Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal. Thanks so much for offering the giveaway!

  7. Would love to take your sketching and watercolor in a mixed media journal. Your art is wonderful. Thanks.

  8. I love your carved stamps! Both of your classes look wonderful. I do have some sketching experience, but could use some more instruction. I would choose the sketching & watercolor journal style class.

  9. I would love to take the mixed media class. I got a lot out of the sketching when we were in Taos. I would like to extend that. Janet Wright, Wa.

  10. Hi Jane! Love your stamps! I'm already signed up for the Mixed Media class and can hardly wait. If I win, would like to either share it with a friend or use it for later. At any rate, see you in class! Donna

  11. I like your stamped houses very much. I find your work great fun to look at and to make some of your ideas my own! Thank you. I have taken both of your workshops and have learned and had a terrific time. Take care and stay well.

  12. Sketching and Watercolor Journal Style. This sounds really great and would be a good class. Thanks for offering a scholarship chance. Susann

  13. What I love is the outline shapes from the stamp. It makes the houses look animated like they are rockin! How fun!

  14. Jane,your houses are so cute!
    I only recently started to keep a sketchbook and learn myself to draw. I would love to be able to better draw what I see around me so your Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class would be perfect for me.

  15. I'd like to take sketching and watercolor in a mixed media journal!
    Love your carved houses!

  16. I'm so freaking excited...we have just moved from dialup to high speed (semi high speed!:) internet and now I can start taking some of these online classes and I see you have a workshop for FREE!! Wowser!!
    I definitely want to learn how to make your hand carved stamps but first I really, really need to take your Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style class AND follow your blog!!!

    Thanks for the chance to to see the workshop!!

  17. Jane, Thank you oh so much for the blog hop and the chance to meet so many creative women who share generously. I have been emboldened and challenged. Merci, merci.

  18. What a great post - your houses are lovely. Loved the video - I am trying to carve more.
    Would love to win the sketching and watercolour in mixed media journal - that would be wonderful!

  19. I love those stamps, I would SO buy them! (hint, hint) The whimsical style is wonderful. I would choose the mixed media journal class. I learn something new every time I take a class with you. xo

  20. Love these houses! I would very much like to take your Mixed Media class. Thanks for a chance!

  21. What a lovely video, you've inspired me to carve houses. I love your art, and would be thrilled to win a spot in your Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal class. Thanks so much from a longtime blog follower.

    1. you are a winner! Email me with your email address and I'll sign you up for Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal!

  22. Sketching and Watercolor. Actually either one would be wonderful. Love the houses. They look alive.....grin.

  23. Oh, your style is realy wonderfull. And the houses are so full of personality.
    I would be very proud to follow the mixt media class.
    It would be a very good time to start a journal.
    Cynthia from Germany

  24. Hmm, that is a hard decision, which class I would like to take. I want to take them both! But since I am a novice, probably the watercolor journal one would be best. Thanks for a chance to win a slot!
    Aloha, Kate

  25. Everything you do is an inspiration! I love your brain! Thank you so much for this post.

  26. I love your work. Thank you for offering a class drawing from life. Seems much of the online classes are not from life. Would love the opportunity to study with you.

  27. Jane- what fun! Thanks for sharing your stamps- I have always wanted to try- maybe I will try carving one now. I would love to take your Sketching and Watercolor Journal Style- always best to start at the beginning! Thanks for the chance to win.

  28. Dear Jane, I would prefer Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal because I want to learn something new. Your nature page is gorgeous - thank you for the chance.

  29. I have a friend who took your Sketching & watercolor journal style class, I dream of creating journals like hers (and yours) so uniquely your own. She said it was a great class, I'd love to try it for myself.

  30. Mixed media for me. I loved your original Journal Style class and would love to learn some new techniques.

  31. The Mixed Media Journal class sounds wonderful. I love experimenting with different materials and working on my drawing skills.

  32. Hi Jane,

    I love your work. I just purchased your DVD From Art Journaling to Art: Drawing Watercolor and More Techniques for the Mixed-Media Artist. I am really enjoying it. You make everything look so easy. I'd love to win a seat in your Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class. Thanks for the chance.

    Elaine Allen

  33. I love your houses. They are so charming. I would love to take the watercolor journal class.

  34. Love your houses and would love the mixed media class. Thanks so much for the chance to win.

  35. Miss Jane, as always, you create such fun and creative works of art! I LOVE the print on fabric with the embroidery!

  36. OOOh Jane. I love love love your houses. Such a great idea. If I won the drawing I would choose your journaling in a mixed media journal. Fingers crossed! :-)

  37. Love the houses theme in everything, barns, them all. I'd love a chance to take your Sketching and Watercolor class.

  38. Happy, happy, happy birthday!!!!! I always feel like I should send you a gift every time I get out my sketchbook since your dvd opened my eyes to the fact that I can draw! I even helped my 83 year old Mom pick up her pencil and draw. Thank you! I'd love to take your Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style, then I'd be ready to take the next class. :) Thanks again, Jane for always being an inspiring spot of sunshine in my day.

    1. Jeannie, you are a winner! Email me with your email address and I'll sign you up for "Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style"

  39. I LOVE those houses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and being able to take one of your classes would be awesome! I'd be happy with ANY of them, :-)

  40. Great video Jane! Thanks for sharing how you made the awesome stamps. I would love to take your Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal online class. Thanks for the opportunity!

  41. Love the houses! What a great giveaway...I always love to learn more form you. I would love the journaling class with mixed media. Have a fantastic Birthday!

  42. Pick me! Pick me! I'd love to take your mixed media class :) Your work is inspirational.

  43. I looooove your house stamps! I would be thrilled to be able to take your Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class. Thank you for the chance.

  44. JANE! I love your carved house stamps! They look so wonderful. The lines around them give them this sense of movement that brings the houses to there is so much life inside of them that it can't be contained!

    Oh, and I wouldn't want to miss out on a chance to learn even more from you! I would opt for the Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style. What a generous giveaway!

  45. Loooove your house stamps! I would be so thrilled to be able to take your Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class. Thanks for the chance. :)

  46. Ooooo! It would be so cool to take the mixed media journal class with you!

  47. Oh Yes! I'd love to study with you on your mixed media journal class. Elegance, nerve, beauty, technique!

  48. I would absolutely love to take the mixed media journal class. I always get so so much out of these classes with you. I can see how my sketching and watercolor have gotten better with even the couple short lessons I've had with you. Love the on-line classes, too, given my schedule.

  49. Sketching and Watercolor would be my choice since I am basically a newbie and would love to learn to sketch and watercolor....Love the houses you made...thanks for the giveaway...

  50. Definitely the mixed media sketchbook! And happy birthday!

  51. I would love either class! Sketching and water color would be great!

  52. I love the random cutting marks that still print, and the video was inspiring. I LOVE mixed media, so that would be my choice.

  53. What a wonderful video showing how to make a carved stamp! I love how it can be used for both paper and fabric, and then embroidering on it... Thank you for the opportunity to win a scholarship to one of your online classes, either one would be a delight as I really love your work. Journalling is the cornerstone of who I am and I love learning of new ways to incorporate sketching into the mix.

  54. Enjoyed the S & W Journal Style class and would love to win the S & W in a Mixed Media Journal class. Your mini workshop for Strathmore was excellent!

  55. I just LOVE your house stamps, Jane - so fun and cool!! And I'd love to win a place on the Sketch & Watercolour in a Mixed Media Journal class - I just love the effects your create :)
    I love a lot of things, don't it??

  56. I'd love either but am still working through your class with Joanne Sharpe. my question was going to be how you got the stamps to overlap so nicely and then i noticed the little cut out stamp houses you must have used for a mask. Great! thanks for the tips!!!

  57. Sketchbook & watercolor in mixed media journal because I'd like to learn how to do the charming backgrounds u use with your watercolor sketches.

  58. Loved the Strathmore workshop, got very inspired. I would love to learn more in your Sketching & Watercolor Journal Style classes. Thanks for the opportunity to win a place.

  59. I just love you stamps they make just such fun journal pages thank you for give way chance I would choose mixed media

  60. The mixed media journal class sounds like fun. Love the stamps Jane.

  61. Mixed media please!!!!! Thank you! patsy

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. Hello Jane! I would love to take either class, but if I must choose, I would like to take the mixed media class. Thanks!

  64. I would love to take the sketching and mixed media class. I really thirst for new classes and workshops to get me jump started again...working alone in my studio , I start to " stagnate" after awhile and I have little access to in person classes where I live...Thanks so much for a chance to participate...fingers crossed.

  65. Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal
    Definitely! Oh I hope I win, I love your style so much!

  66. I would love the sketching and watercolor class. Love your house stamps!

  67. I would love to take your sketching and watercolor class. Love your house stamps!

  68. Oh Jane! I love those houses beautiful! I would love to take the"Sketching and Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal" class.

  69. I would like to take the Mixed Media Journal class. I love all your work and when I grow up I want to be like Jane! I love those houses and I hope stamp carving will be in the class cutting into something seems so final! I would love to know how to do it!

  70. i love mixed media, "Sketching & Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal", I would love to learn some new techniques and inspiration.

  71. Both classes look awesome and I'd love to take the Mixed Media one!

  72. Encouraged by all the contributing artists of the sketchbook challenge I bought myself a sketchbook and started journaling. I enjoy it a lot and I am eager to learn new techniques. I would very much love to take your Sketching and Watercolor in a Mixed Media Journal class.

  73. I would love a chance to take your Sketching & Watercolor Journal Style class.

  74. I love your work and would love to try the mixed media class. Thanks for the chance.

  75. I love your page and the cute stamps you made! I still am a beginner so I would love the first class!

  76. I love your houses!!! I would love to take your Mixed Media Class...thanks for the chance to win a spot:)

  77. Jane, I've admired your work from afar. I've been attempting to art journal for quite some time; only recently, after checking out your Strathmore class, have I seen a significant growth in my abilities and am seeing my journal pages becoming filled with not only sketches, paint and words -- but also now my personality! I'd be honored to attend either one of your classes offered - Kate

  78. I just watched your Strathmore class and would be beside myself if I had the opportunity to take your Sketching and Watercolor class. I love your style and still consider myself to be somewhat of a novice watercolorist. I love your art and your blog--truly inspirational. I would love to take the class. Thank you for the chance to earn a spot.

  79. Love your house stamps! Would love the opportunity to take one of your classes Jane.

  80. Love this post! Thanks for sharing, and for the giveaway. I'd love a chance to take the sketching and watercolor in mixed media journal class. I need all the help I can get!;-)

  81. Jane, I'd admire your style greatly and all that you share and would just love to win the opportunity to take a class with you. My preference would be the watercolour and mixed media class I think. Thank you.

  82. Exciting Blog! I hope I'm not too late for the drawing. I would love to take the sketching/watercolor class!!!

  83. Love, love, love your work Jane! Amazing to see!

  84. I would love to take the sketchbook & watercolor class please.


Thanks so much for visiting!