Wednesday, November 06, 2013

The Creative Joy Retreat

Jane in october
Jane LaFazio (me) 
the women  by Toby Baldinger
Tracey Clark, Jen Louden, Marianne Elliott, our facilitators for The Creative Joy Retreat~ photo by Toby Baldinger 
On the retreat, Tracey taught photography, Jen facilitated writing and journaling and Marianne taught yoga. Two out of three of my faves. (I did draw and write in a journal, I'll show you that in a later post.) It was a 4 day retreat, and I had a wonderful, restful and heartful time. I thoroughly enjoyed the time alone and with the other fabulous women who attended the retreat. I'm newly inspired for yoga, photography and smoothies!

Here's a little 4 minute movie I created, of some of the retreat. (If you receive my blog by email, please visit JaneVille to see the movie.) (Hit the arrow on the bottom right corner to make it larger.)

My Creative Joy retreat ~ October 2013 from Jane LaFazio on Vimeo.

new york retreat
The dining hall at Garrison, where we ate 3 vegetarian meals daily. ~
photo by Jane LaFazio

new york retreat
The retreat was held an Garrison Institute, a former monastery ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
new york retreat
 I fell in love with lemon ginger tea ~photo by Jane LaFazio
Did you watch the movie? Do you go on retreats? I know we all can't fly across country when we need a retreat...What do you do to rest and renew yourself?


  1. I'm so not going to take it personally you didn't like writing. Really. I so loved getting to spend time with you.

    1. No, no, dearest Jen! I'm just uncomfortable writing. I loved being with you!! it's just not my strong suit. xoxox

  2. Great video, Jane! Loved the sound of crunching leaves and the wind...looks like a gorgeous place for a retreat! Just wish I could see some of your "creative joy" art pieces! Hope you'll come to Prescott one of these days and offer your own sort of "Creative Joy" retreat! xo

  3. The sounds in the video were a treat!

  4. I love to go the beach which is about an hour away in New Jersey. It's a bit of a ride but once I'm facing the ocean, it's a mini retreat. I also enjoy yoga and have recently tried Yin Yoga which is very gentle and contemplative...and sometimes "retail therapy" renews me (shopping for something special)!

  5. this was beautiful and especially the photography. I like to take a ride to the shore in New's about an hour ride but once I arrive, it's a mini retreat. I also enjoy yoga and just started a mini workshop on Yin Yoga which is very contemplative...then there's always "retail therapy" - shopping for something special!

  6. Sounds like the retreat was wonderful. What a way to get in touch with your inner self.

  7. I felt like I went on the retreat with you Jane! Thank you!


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