Monday, November 04, 2013

California Girl visits New York in the Autumn

autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
I just returned from a long weekend in Garrison, New York. I attended a fabulous retreat called, My Creative Joy, led by Jen Louden, Marianne Elliot and Tracey Clark. I'll tell you about the retreat in a later post, but for now, I want to show you autumn in New York.
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio

autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio

autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio
autumn in New York
photo by Jane LaFazio


  1. I think it's my favorite season.... beginning of spring a close second.

  2. Really wonderful photographic composition, Jane Dear!! :D

  3. They are wonderful Jane. You are a talented photographer. Thank you for sharing.

  4. These photos are amazing. You are very talented. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Wonderful! I do so love autumn leaves, and I can feel the crisp air just looking at your pictures!

  6. Beautiful photos. The colors are beautiful in Autumn. I hope you had a good time

  7. Gorgeous photos! The colors are beautiful outside in the Fall

  8. As enticing as California sounds sometimes, I guess I would miss the beauty of these east coast autumns. Thank you for letting me see them through the lens of your really is gorgeous around here!

    1. These photos are just lovely. I'm a big fan of autumn (and winter too). I can't imagine being without the cold seasons.


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