Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Blog Hop!

printed fabric in progress
monoprinting ~ Jane LaFazio
I do love a blog hop!
Draw, stamp, screen print and more to create gorgeous art cloth with the help of surface design artist Lynn Krawczyk’s new book, Intentional Printing: Simple Techniques for Inspired Art Fabric (Interweave/F+W Media; $26.99.)

I've started working on my project, for April 8 (details on the blog hope below), and here's the beginning bits of it. Doing my fave, Gelli Printing

printed fabric in progress
monoprinting ~ Jane LaFazio
printed fabric in progress
monoprinting ~ Jane LaFazio
printed fabric in progress
monoprinting ~ Jane LaFazio


  1. Love what you are doing. I have the book but a friend borrowed it, get it back Friday, chomping at the bit to read it now.

  2. You've inspired me, I must get out my gelli plate and have a play day.

  3. Your color combinations are fantastic....so pretty!


Thanks so much for visiting JaneLaFazio.com!