Friday, April 04, 2014

Pink and Green

Polk Salad quilt inprogress
mono-printed and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio
Working on some larger pieces for my Polk Salad Annie quilt.... 
Polk Salad quilt inprogress
mono-printed and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio
Polk Salad quilt inprogress
mono-printed and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio
Polk Salad quilt inprogress
printed from a photo onto silk, on mono-printed and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio
Polk Salad quilt inprogress
monoprinted and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio
Polk Salad quilt inprogress
monoprinted and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio
Polk Salad quilt inprogress
mono-printed and stitched fabric by Jane LaFazio


  1. Wonderful colors and subtle variations. Love it!

  2. Love this, I love pink and green together :)

  3. They are beautiful! I love allot the colors and textures. I'm wondering if you've added backing and if so, how you join it all.

    1. Yes Holly, they all have batting. I cut them, with a rotary cutter, they arrange them, and put them on another backing and hand sew them together. I teach this method in my 'free spirited free-motion class at retreats.

  4. Jane this is Sooooooo beautiful. Would you be willing to share your process of color application?

    1. Really sharon, there's no plan other that color selection and gelli monoprinting. I started with pink, then green then some purple.

  5. Jane, I have so enjoyed your discovery and representation of the Poke plant, which I remember semi-fondly from all of my years on the east coast. One thing you may not be aware of is that the poke berries are very popular with birds. And, the result is that the area nearby is well decorated with deep purple bird poop instead of the usual white variety. I happen to like having purple splotches on the ground. On the car, not so much. :-)

  6. Your mono printing is a great technique, that's why I visit your blog so often, to see all your wonderful ideas.
    P.S. I'm having fun in Sketchbook Skool too, can't wait till it's your turn to teach.

  7. I just love your stitched fabric, Jane!


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