Thursday, August 14, 2014

St Francis ~ work in progress

work in progress ~ st. Francis
sketchbook page and art quilt in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
I am excited about this! I love seeing pages from my sketchbook come alive in my art quilts! I love leveraging the art from my sketchbook. 

I'm not finished with St. Francis yet, and I'm working on a series of quilts in this same style. (well, okay, I've started my second one.) (I got the wooden sculpture in Taos, NM last year, and as you can see, drew and painted it in my sketchbook.)

I'll keep you posted!
work in progress ~ st. Francis
art quilt in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio
I'm teaching in Chicago right now. My summer-to-fall schedule is crazy busy! hope to see you in one of my classes in Chicago, or Seattle, or Massachusetts, or Taos, New Mexico or San Miguel de Allende! or maybe even in San Diego! You can see my teaching schedule here.


  1. Exciting to look at. Made something inside me dance a little jig of joy!

  2. I admire your work... I like it so much. Groeten uit Nederland

  3. YES! I am thrilled to see your sketches interpreted onto textile. It becomes such personal, original work.

  4. Jane this is fabulous! I don't sew, but I love this piece. I really like the sketchbook page you worked from! Just beautiful!

  5. Love how you use your sketches. This is turning out lovely. Can't wait to see it finished.

  6. What a great idea for a series, fabulous.


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