Monday, August 11, 2014

Recycled Circles ~ in pink and grey

recycled circles in progress
work in progress ~ recycled circles by Jane LaFazio

recycled circles in progress
work in progress without embellishment~ recycled circles by Jane LaFazio
I taught my Recycled Circles workshop a few weeks ago, and I'm working on finishing the piece I started in class. It still needs some more embellishment.
recycled circles in progress
work in progress ~ recycled circles by Jane LaFazio
You can see how I created the pink and yellow surface design here and the "Binary" quilt I created with the rest of the fabric here.
recycled circles in progress
work in progress ~ recycled circles by Jane LaFazio


  1. I'm so busy with Sketchbook Skool I don't have time to think about sewing, but I'm sure enjoying your "little quilts" and you're inspiring me to want to try that too! Maybe in those long cold winter months, lol. Beautiful creations, Jane!

  2. Your work looks terrific, beautiful, and innovative for sure.

  3. Love it, Jane! Every time I see one, it inspires me to try these... good thing I have one in progress so I can get into the groove with ya! ;-)

  4. These are always beautiful pieces Jane. Someday I want to take a class from you, you inspire me and make such beautiful pieces.

  5. I have been admiring these on Flickr; I'm a great fan of a bit of black and white. Thanks for your comment, I'm flattered.


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