Saturday, November 29, 2014

"Big Smooches" an art quilt

Big Smooch ~ art quilt (detail)
"Big Smooches" detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
Big Smooch ~ art quilt
"Big Smooches" 18x11 inches ~ by Jane LaFazio
"Big Smooches" is in my JaneVille Etsy shop now!
Big Smooch ~ art quilt (detail)
"Big Smooches" detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
Big Smooch ~ art quilt (detail)
"Big Smooches" detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
Big Smooch ~ art quilt (detail)
"Big Smooches" detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
Big Smooch ~ art quilt (detail)
"Big Smooches" detail ~ by Jane LaFazio
I hope to teach this as a workshop next year. In the meantime, here are the cliff notes:
step one: print the cloth
step two: add batting and cut, then embroider

step three: put it together and sew the pieces together


  1. This quilt is just stunning, and the title makes me grin from ear to ear! Thanks for posting.

  2. I love your work !! Thank you for so much inspiration!

  3. So much fun, Jane--like you!

  4. So like you! I love it! Thank you for the smiles and cliff notes!

  5. Love, Love, Love This Pattern & Your Work, Jane ...
    Happy Holiday Season!

  6. Beautiful colors, fun theme, thanks for sharing, Jane.

  7. LoVe this!
    And the printed fabrics ~ so cool.
    Thanks for sharing!


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