Tuesday, December 02, 2014

Fiberart for a Cause ~ benefits American Cancer Society on February 4

100 Artists ~ 100 Patrons ~ one day= 
$10,000 to fight cancer
February 4, 2015

 Virginia Spiegel's Fiberart For A Cause begins February 4.. This year her project is called "The 100." Virginia invited 100 fiber artists to commit to donating a piece of their artwork to a patron who donates $100 to the American Cancer Society on February 4. After the donations are received, Virginia will randomly match artists will donors and the artists will send off their artwork.

I am thrilled to be included on this list of 100 amazing artists! 

100 Artists - 100 Patrons - One Day
$10,000 To Fight Cancer
February 4, 2015

Want to make a donation and receive a piece of art? Mark your calendar for February 4 and check out the details are here.

Fiberart For A Cause has already raised $240,000 through the generosity of fiber artists and patrons. 


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    Toutes mes félicitations... Cette participation est tout à votre honneur.
    Avec plein de bisous ♡

  2. Good morning Jane..it's always a pleasure visiting your lovely blog. Wishing you a wonderful day dear!

  3. Congratulations, Jane, your art work will be enjoyed.


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