Saturday, January 03, 2015

Felt like Stitching ~ this WAS going to be my one word for 2015

felt like stitching  ~ almost my word for the year
"One Word" by Jane LaFazio (about 8 inches in diameter)
felt like stitching  ~ almost my word for the year
"One Word"  detail by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching  ~ almost my word for the year
"One Word"  detail by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching  ~ almost my word for the year
"One Word"  detail by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching  ~ almost my word for the year
"One Word"  detail by Jane LaFazio
I thought I was being quite clever by creating this small felt pillow with my ONE WORD for 2015. And then, part way through creating this, I changed my word! 

Oh well, THRIVE is a fine word...just not my word.

Stay tuned for my word, and the 2015 ONE WORD poster. (See my blog post.)

Here's how I did it: (inspired by those talented Kemshalls over at Design Matters)
felt like stitching in progress
1. by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
2. by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
3. by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
4. by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
5. by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
6. by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
7.  by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching in progress
8.  by Jane LaFazio
felt like stitching  ~ almost my word for the year
"One Word" by Jane LaFazio


  1. it sure is cute! Now I want to stitch my word in felt.... adding that to the list

  2. THRIVE is a great word and I love your pillow! Looking forward to your "official" word shared in a very creative way.

  3. I thought this was a great word! I look forward to seeing what you end up with. :)

  4. Jane, I love your work! Visually appealing, cool, and fun.

  5. I love your stitched felt. That is so funny that you changed your word. I debated and debated between "original" and "design" for my one word; finally settled on original. Now I'm second guessing my choice, thinking it should be design. I probably won't change it, but then again, maybe I will. ;)

  6. Jane that's beautiful! I love the Linda and Laura, their so creative. I've been following them for years.

  7. Hi Jane! This is a wonderfully fun post! The link to the Kemshalls' website was remarkable and I spent WAAYY too much time over there! Thanks for sharing your work, your process, and your inspiration!

  8. Love the stitching on felt! is it wool felt? will you tell us where you get it? thanks!

    1. they've got great colors!

  9. Beautiful! Those glamour shots of the finished pillow are excellent! And your tutuorial shots are so great too! No words needed, the pictures tell the whole story. Now I am very curious about the path of thoughts that lead to rejecting this word. And I'm eager to read what word you did choose.

  10. I agree, great photos. thanks for sharing, very inspiring and I need to be inspired now.
    The first part of January is a little difficult for me. Thanks, Jane.

  11. This is SO neat, Jane! Funny that you changed your word half way must have really felt pulled in a new direction. (Haha...wasn't even trying to pun!) Thanks for showing the process photos...though it tempts me to try something similar, and I need to FOCUS! :-)

  12. Hi Jane
    thanks for sending the 2015 words poster. I just printed it out, and when I have
    a chance, I'll bring it over to my favorite copy shop and have it enlarged and laminated. all the best,,,,,,,Lynne Sward

  13. I have shared your word list with several friends. And just in mentioning it to others they have taken up the practice. My word for the year is serenity...I have learned that having a word really does keep me on track with my goals for the year. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!


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