Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Wet-felted purses

LaFazio felted purses
"Wet Felted Purses" by Jane LaFazio

Red Felted Purse
detail "Red Purse" by Jane LaFazio
Red Felted Purse
detail "Red Purse" by Jane LaFazio
Red Felted Purse
"Red Purse" by Jane LaFazio
These were made by wet felting. Using wool roving and water and agitation. They take about 2 hours to make, and then, of course, I embellished them with hand stitching.

Brown and blue felted purse
"Blue and Brown Purse" by Jane LaFazio
Brown and blue felted purse
detail "Blue and Brown Purse" by Jane LaFazio
Brown and blue felted purse
"Blue and Brown Purse" by Jane LaFazio
(I know I haven't been showing my sketchbook lately, but I've been busy stitching. Don't let me be a bad example to you! My online class "Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style" is open for registration right now! It's perfect for beginning drawing and watercolor, or as an excellent refresher! All the details are here. Register here.)


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    L'affaire est dans le sac ! Bravo pour la réalisation de ces merveilles !... J'aime beaucoup le carré en rouge...
    Gros bisous ♡

  2. You never cease to amaze me Jane!! These purses are so COOL!!!!

  3. Those are just gorgeous Jane !


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