Monday, January 12, 2015

My ONE WORD for 2015.

CHERISH ~ detail
"Cherish" by Jane LaFazio
CHERISH ~ detail
"Cherish" detail,  by Jane LaFazio
CHERISH ~ detail
"Cherish" detail,  by Jane LaFazio
"Cherish" detail,  by Jane LaFazio
CHERISH ~ detail
"Cherish" detail,  by Jane LaFazio
CHERISH ~ detail
"Cherish" detail,  by Jane LaFazio
I've chosen my ONE WORD for 2015. "CHERISH."
  • I want to cherish my husband, and all the moments we have together.
  • I want to cherish each day and live it fully.
  • I want to cherish my creativity and the time I have in my studio.
  • I want to cherish my friends and let them know that I care.
  • I want to cherish my students by appreciating them and being the best teacher I can be.
CHERISH is my ONE WORD for 2015 ~ by Jane LaFazio
I wrote about choosing a word here, and then I wrote here how I changed my mind.


  1. I love that you choose a word to focus on every year, and I love the one you chose for this year. I decided that if I were to choose a word to focus on this year it will be "unclutter" because I am surrounded with clutter. My home, my studio, my life have too much stuff and I need to clear it out. :-)

  2. Cherish, I think that is an amazing word, beautiful project, Jane.

  3. It is a beautiful word and your work shows it perfectly!

  4. Great word and love how you are remembering it and leaning into it.


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