Saturday, August 29, 2015

Quilting Arts TV Series 1600

Yup! I'm in three episodes of Quilting Arts TV Series 1600! I always buy the DVD set (even when I'm not in it). I keep the DVDs in my studio and re-watch them while I'm working. I always learn pick up something new!
I was thrilled to me Vivika deNegre, Editor of Quilting Arts magazine,  in person! 

On set filming earlier this year with Susan Brubaker Knapp.


  1. I love converting my sketches into mixed-media art quilts... use them as individual pieces, sketchbook covers, even scrapbook pages

  2. I love your layered and fused applique quilts. Can't wait to see the new Quilting Arts series Hope our local station carries it.

  3. Just love incorporating thread sketching in my art quilts. I have just started out but find it very freeing. Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. My favorite creative sewing occurs when I start with a jelly-plate printed fabric and layer it and embellish it with more materials, yarn, beads, colored variegated threads, shells, things from the garden such as sticks or seed pods and the piece just evolves intuitively without a plan from the original printed fabric. It feels as if I am bringing out the message contained in the printed piece and I simply help it find its voice. It always feels a little like a surprise where I end up with a piece. Thanks for having taught me so many tools to use on this creative journey, dear Jane. I can never make a French knot without thinking of you :-)

  5. I do like the dvd's and I do always learn something and sometimes they are just darn motivating. My favourite sewing is drawing with the sewing machine needle. Thread painting is okay but I sometimes find it too heavy and the sketchy line is just sew much better!

  6. I love drawing images onto fabric, especially fabrics that have been prepared using the gelatin plate. And I am totally inspired by the work that you do, Jane. So very lovely!

  7. loved watching you make the Milagros on Quilting Arts. I love working with lace and vintage cloth in my art pieces. I do love putting scraps together.....and I make lots of pouches and pin cushions.

  8. i love sewing fabric on paper with my featherweight singer my mom gave me long ago. by hand, i love sewing big stitch on prayer flags. both are favorites depending on mood and inspiration. your art shines !!

  9. Wow! This is a great giveaway--thanks Jane. I love my machine, but I love, hand stitching and lately, stitching on wool. Would love to see the episode where you make the wool hearts (I believe they are wool). I also love the idea of storytelling in my art.

  10. Thank you for the opportunity. I love the free motion work on a variety of materials.

  11. My favorite type of sewing is hand sewing. Crazy quilting and creative embellishment are so soothing to me. Love your inspiration

  12. hmmm... my favorite type of creative sewing usually involves fabric (my favorite is vintage kimono silk) paper, paintings, etc... I love making small wall hangings or covers for books! Great Give away, Jane!

  13. I am fairly new to quilting and fabric collage. I have found your blog very inspiring! My fav project was the portrait of my dog. I hope to do portraits of her friends too, with pieces of scrap fabric and free motion stitching and a bit of paint for realistic eyes. I have found great joy spending time in my sewing room.

  14. I love embroidering and beadin on top of my wet felted projects.

  15. I don't really have a favorite style but just hop from one to the next. Just finished a wool felt milagro so would love to win this set! I've also made 4 of your studio boxes, needle felted pieces with stitching, and watercolor journal pages!

  16. My favourite type of sewing is hand stitching with an organic style. It is so meditative and soothing to the soul. Thank you for this generous giveaway. :)

  17. I love to paint on white fabric in a watercolour style and then hand embellish with embroidery threads..sometimes outlining and sometimes just adding more interesting stitches

  18. Right now I sew dolls , but I want to learn my favorite style fabric collage and decorative stitching by machine and hand. Thanks for the giveaway!

  19. Trying some free motion stuff at the moment as a beginner.

  20. I love embroidery with as much color as possible!

  21. Since I do mixed media pieces which can incorporate my loom-woven fabrics, felted or not, hand-painting, image transfers, beading, knotting, piecing, quilting, and trapunto among other things, it would be difficult to even categorize. However, I could easily say that my favorite type of creative sewing is anything I get to do that is not for a production deadline or a gallery show date or under pressure of some kind --- I love the times I get to do a memorial or celebration or just-because gift for someone simply because I was inspired to do so!

  22. I love making things with fabric, especially for and with children.

  23. I love hand embroidery and beading on silk. These techniques are used to make small art quilts

  24. My favorite way of stitching is follow my muse and inspirations from artists like you! ;-)

    1. YOU ARE THE WINNER! email me with your mailing address! congratulations, Rose!

  25. I love to sew with found textiles--usually from the local Salvation Army. I refashion the fabric into garments for myself, make scarves from them or use them in quilts. I'm a big fan of Quilting Arts TV and would love to win the DVD set.

  26. I love all of your creative talents Jane. I have a lot of favorites, it seems to change with my mood. Currently I love Art Quilts that are painted with acrylic, inks or watercolors and then thread embellished.

  27. Favorite? That's a tough one! I think it's whatever one I happen to be working on at the moment. I do love using sheer fabrics in collage...

  28. Anything relating to quilting, really. I'm just getting into making bags. That's fun! Thanks for the giveaway, Jane. I have a U.S. mailing address.

  29. I think my favorite type of creative sewing is free motion quilting. Especially when I just sketch without marking first. It's like doodling, only with the sewing machine.

  30. I love to sew on hand-made paper.

  31. I like best to start with some scraps and see where it goes! Xo

  32. I love combining sewing with my mixed media pieces!

  33. I would love to win this for my sister, who's hoping to get back into quilting.
    Thanks, Jane.

    Barbara W

  34. I find hand stitching the most creative because I feel most free to take chances with the stitches and try new textures than I do when I use the machine.

  35. I would love to have this series. Always learning more, which then gets passed on.
    Thank you Jane.

  36. I like crossstitching drawings or pictures.

  37. I love painting and stitching and fun projects

  38. My favorite creative sewing is hand-sewn free-motion stitching. That is, random marks with needle and thread on a piece of fabric or paper. My favorite embroidery stitch is blanket stitch, but that one is challenging to do "free style." Thanks for the opportunity to win the DVD, fun! xo

  39. I love to stitch by hand on felt I make with my embellished machine. I also love to add beads.

  40. I can't say I really have a favorite, as I enjoy most forms of creative sewing. It's always exciting to see something new taking form under my needle.

  41. Carolyn Morgan8/30/2015 4:20 PM

    I love creating fabric with my Gelli plate and sewing it into art quilts of all sizes.

  42. I just love to use raw edge applique and hand stitching. Thanks for the opportunity to win the DVD!

  43. My favorite creative type of sewing is actually when I am in the right frame of mind to just get started. Small hand sewing projects are the best and when I feel the most creative. I am hoping to start dyeing and painting fabric when my sewing room is put back together (in new home).

  44. I do hand and machine sewing, but hand sewing is my favorite from reverse applique Alabama Chanin style to sewing felt coffee cozies to embroidering painted images on cloth. I'm happiest with a needle in my hand.

  45. I love to thread paint---and to hand stitch...thanks for the chance to win this wonderful series.......

  46. I do love to add the final details to my fiber art with hand sewing and decorative stitches/threads.

  47. I retired 10 months ago and was worried about continuing to be 'challenged'. Thanks to your site and Quilting Arts, I am now challenged doing something that I love . . . . sewing. Thank you for all of your creative ideas and a chance to win this series.

  48. This is like trying to choose anything CHOCOLATE. I love anything that involves surface designs on papers,threads, fabrics, beads, needles,,,,,,all of it. I live in Virginia Beach Va. and our Quilting Arts programs are quite old. I hope we can see the 1600 series and especially the ones that feature you. I would also like to be a winner!!!!!! Lynne Sward

  49. Right now, my favorite type of creative sewing is my elephant parade quilt. I am adding people and animals and trying to find a way to transform my vision into fabric. I am having a lot of fun with it.

  50. Corky Wichmann9/01/2015 5:20 PM

    I have been checking your blog for years and loved your Klass on sketchbook skool. I have been an art quilter for some time and love hand work and beading. I also have taken up sketching but the feel of fabric just pulls me back to hand sewng/quilting projects...including mail art in the form of fabric post cards.

  51. (I can't figure out if this posted already or not! So here it is again.) I love improvisational piecing!

  52. I enjoy all kinds of hand sewing like appliqué and embroidery. The process is very relaxing for me.

  53. Lately, I have found great pleasure in creating greeting cards with cutting out fabric and free-motion-quilting them onto cardstock. they are just beautiful and are much appreciated by the recipient!

  54. My favorite creative sewing type? Hmmm let me see...there is the fun of hearing my sewing machine whirr through miles and miles of fabric....or there is the calming therapy of slipping a threaded needle through some dyed felt...but wait....there is also the moment when my hand sewing finishes a distinctive piece of art.

  55. I love free motion quilting. I used to be a traditional quilter and finished all my quilts with hand quilting. Now that the beds are all filled up I've moved on to art quilting and really enjoy the freedom of free motion quilting.

  56. I love to make smallish art quilts that let me try out various media and techniques. Can't say that I have a favorite, but can say that I find your work VERY inspiring. Thank you!

  57. I love to make smallish art quilts that let me try out various media and techniques. Can't say that I have a favorite, but can say that I find your work VERY inspiring. Thank you!
