Thursday, August 27, 2015

TRUE NORTH ~ text on textiles

detail "True North" from my Text on Textiles workshop ~ by Jane LaFazio
detail "True North" from my Text on Textiles workshop ~ by Jane LaFazio
I do love the color indigo. One of the world's first original colors! Now, it's the trend again and I'm thrilled. Makes me want to dye part of my hair blue...(oh, that's right, my bangs are blue!)
detail "True North"  ~ by Jane LaFazio
It was really fun to create this from my collection of blue fabrics. I started this piece the last time I taught my "Text on Textiles" workshop.
detail "True North" from my Text on Textiles workshop ~ by Jane LaFazio
detail "True North"  ~ by Jane LaFazio
 "True North" (12x12 inches) ~ by Jane LaFazio
True North (12x12 inches) by Jane LaFazio
I'll be teaching "Text on Textiles," along with Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style and Garden Patch  a brand new retreat, created by Pokey Bolton (founder of Quilting Arts and Cloth Paper Scissors magazines). 

CRAFT NAPA will take place in Napa, California in January 2016. Registration is open NOW!


  1. True North is a wonderful piece, Jane. The text on textile, embellishment, indigo and hand stitching all add up to Wow!

  2. I love that type of work!!!!!


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