Tuesday, September 15, 2015


buddy's onboard
The SpokesCat for JaneVille ~ BUDDY! 
buddy in the basket in the bookcase
My Buddy loves a box
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know I often post pics of my cats, Buddy and BeBop. Well, today is Buddy's moment in the sun.

Buddy loves to sit in boxes, and I've started an informal #BuddyinaBox series.
Buddy in a Box
Satisfied customer, Buddy.
And then recently, Chewy.com surprised us with an unexpected gift!
chewy portrait of Buddy
Buddy approves of his portrait!
This is what we received in the mail!
Thought I'd share some of the other #BuddyinaBox photos, if any of you painters are inspired to send Buddy more portraits! He's really quite vain and adores the attention. :-)
Buddy in a box
Buddy in a box
Buddy in a BIG box
Buddy in a boxBuddy in a boxBuddy in a boxBuddy in a boxBuddy in a boxbuddy in the suitcase buddy in don's suitcase 2Buddy in a box in jan 2013
And yes, BeBop will get his 15 minutes of fame too. Soon!
BeBop, the art critic


  1. I've been tied up with with chore type things, I'm back to visit and what a great visit to cheer me up! thank you for sharing Buddie's love of boxes, happiness in a box!

  2. I love seeing your kits as much as your art. They must miss you when you travel. Sweet Buddy especially in that bag sleeping.


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