Friday, September 18, 2015

"Stitch Stories" by Cas Holmes

Eucalyptus Blooms (13x27.5 inches) by Jane LaFazio in my JaneVille ETSY SHOP
Stitch Stories 2015 Cas Holmes
Stitch Stories: Personal Places, Spaces and Traces in Textile Art

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my quilt, "Eucalyptus Blooms," featured in Cas Holmes' new book!
I'm thrilled to be included in Cas Holmes' new book "Stitch Stories: Personal Places, Spaces and Traces in Textile Art." 

Cas' first book "The Found Object in Textile Art" was a huge influence on me and the way I work. 

I love her work, her style and aesthetic. Can't wait to spend some time in my studio with her latest book!

my page in Cas Holmes book
In Cas' new book, you can see how my sketchbook inspired my stencil design.

Eucalyptus Blooms stencil, design by Jane LaFazio  (Also in my Esty shop)


  1. Looks like another beautiful book ... that I NEED!

  2. Congratulations Jane! Thanks for sharing the information on Cas' book I will certainly look into that!
    P.S. Eucalyptus Blooms is just fabulous.

  3. How exciting! It's a beautiful piece. I have her first book too and I love her work (and yours). I must look this one up.

  4. Congratulations Jane. It's a wonderful book, and your work fits beautifully in it. I am always inspired by both of you, and was so happy to see my friend Jane's work included in it.

  5. Jane, I am SO proud of you! And I also thank the HEY out of you, both for YOUR influence on ME & my work (it was in your 1 day watercolor class that I began to draw & paint) AND your introducing me to Cas, who is also a major influence on me & my work!

  6. Congratulations! What a place of honor for you and your work, and the recognition is so well deserved! I ordered the book as soon as I saw it and will hope to do something like this in Greece next year (planning to bring fabric and thread, anyway)...along with the art walk!

  7. Wonderful! I look forward to getting the book for myself.


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