Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ Wisconsin

cookies day one
our class cookie jar ~ day one

cookies day three
our class cookie jar ~ day three
cookies last day
our class cookie jar ~ day five ~ time to go home!
I just returned from teaching "Nature Journal" a five day workshop at Madeline Island School of the Arts, in Wisconsin. 

Honestly, it is now one of my favorite places to teach (and yes, I'm returning July 11-15 2016). 

In each classroom (there are 3 classrooms) and in the dining room, there is always a jar of home-baked chocolate chip cookies. MY FAVORITE cookies. And you could have as many as you wanted. Anytime you wanted! Even at midnight. Though, I kept my cookie eating to daylight hours.

I'll post more photos of my wonderful time at MISA tomorrow! 


  1. Bonjour chère amie,

    J'arrive, je veux déguster ces fameux biscuits qui me donnent l'eau à la bouche !!

    Gros bisous ☼

  2. I love this! And I am impressed that the jar lasted that long.

    1. Ha! your very first comment on my blog tells me A LOT about you, Alyson!!

  3. I would have drawn the jarr so it would have distract ed me from eating them...wish I were that fortunate


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