Thursday, September 10, 2015

Madeline Island School of the Arts, Wisconsin

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
lots of  nature to draw for our "Nature Journal" ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
I just spent a week teaching at Madeline Island School of the Arts (MISA) in Wisconsin. It's located on a very small island in Lake Superior. I thoroughly loved the whole experience! 

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
The dining room is downstairs and my classroom was upstairs. MISA.
Photo by Jane LaFazio
There are just 3 classrooms in the school, with a maximum of 15 students for each class. Breakfast and lunch is included each day and there is lodging right on the school property.
I flew into Duluth, MN (from San Diego, CA) and then the MISA shuttle picked me up for the 2-hour drive to Bayfield, Wisconsin, and the Ferry ride.
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
You take a 20 minute ferry ride from Bayfield, Wisconsin
 to Madeline Island ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Our well-lit and spacious classroom. ~photo by Jane LaFazio
But we didn't stay in our classroom all the time. We also drew and painted on the front porch of the Farmhouse, on the property.
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Students on the Farmhouse porch ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Students on the Farmhouse porch ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
The Farmhouse ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Students on the Farmhouse porch ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Students on the Farmhouse porch ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
more beautiful subject matter for our "Nature Journal" photo by Jane LaFazio

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Student page in progress ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
It looked like Thanksgiving to this California girl ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
I taught sketching and watercolor, stamp design and carving, book arts and  gelli plate printing during the 5-day "Nature Journal" workshop.

I will be returning to MISA next year, July 11-15, 2016, and honestly I'm already looking forward to it! Taking my husband with me this time.
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Student work ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Student work ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Student at work ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Student mono-printing ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
color! photo by Jane LaFazio
Madeline Island School of the Arts ~ teaching
Student at work ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

And we also had time to see the town and go out for dinner!
We had so many adventures and so much fun, I couldn't fit it all in one post. More tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures and looks like a wonderful time. The student work was very nice - thanks for sharing your adventure!


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