Sunday, October 11, 2015

I spent my birthday with John Steinbeck

john Steinbeck's home~ from my sketchbook
from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio
My husband and I celebrated my birthday, walking in author John Steinbeck's footsteps. 

I love Steinbeck and had reread Tortilla Flat and Cannery Row Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics) right before our visit to Monterey and Salinas, California.  

The stories, setting and characters were fresh in my mind. We walked Cannery Row, and saw Doc's and the Chinese grocery store, still in tact. Visited the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas.

john Steinbeck's home
Yoga Poses in Public Places at Doc's in Cannery Row, Monterey
And we also made a pilgrimage to Steinbeck's childhood home. It's restored and makes its income with a charming restaurant right inside the house. Of course, we had lunch there, but first I had to sketch and paint the house.

john Steinbeck's home
drawing Steinbeck's home
john Steinbeck's home
drawing Steinbeck's home
john Steinbeck's home
sketchbook page in progress
john Steinbeck's home
Birthday selfie in John Steinbeck's home
I didn't take any photos of lunch or the furnishings because I was too enamored with the reproduction wall paper throughout the house.
john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home
john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home
john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home
john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home
john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home
john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home

john Steinbeck's home
wallpaper in the Steinbeck home
I completed my birthday with John Steinbeck with a Yoga Pose!
john Steinbeck's home
Yoga Poses in Public Places on my birthday ~ John Steinbeck's home, Salinas CA
my birthday dinner


  1. A little late: Happy birthday Jane!

  2. Happy Birthday...LOVE the post = )

  3. Happy birthday, Jane, what a fun opportunity. That wallpaper is amazing!


Thanks so much for visiting!