Thursday, October 08, 2015

Patti Digh's Life is a Verb Camp 2015

Asilomar in Monterey California
Asilomar Beach ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Patti Digh's Life is a Verb Camp took place at Asilomar Conference Grounds, in Monterey, California. (And now I pretty much want to move there.)
Asilomar, Monterey, CA
The lodge at Asilormar, a fire every morning ~ photo by Jane LaFazio (on instagram)
Camp was held in a beautiful location, with inspiring speakers, artful activities, and wonderful people.
Asilomar in Monterey California
Life is a Verb Camp art parties (that's my husband in the blue shirt)
~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Life is a Verb Campers ~ photo by Mike Magee
Yoga Poses in Public places
Yoga Poses in Public Places

Asilomar in Monterey California
Life is a Verb fellow campers, returning from early morning beach dancing
~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Asilomar in Monterey California
My husband and why I love him. ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Asilomar in Monterey California
Wine and watching the sunset with my husband. 

Asilomar in Monterey California
Sunset at Asilomar ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
sketchbook in progress
I worked in my sketchbook too, and watched the sun come up. 

Asilomar in Monterey California
We saw this beauty and his family nearly every day at Asilomar ~ photo by Jane LaFazio
Asilomar in Monterey California
ahhhh. photo by Jane LaFazio
Asilomar in Monterey California
Don and I. ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Patti Digh will hold Life is a Verb Camp 2016, in the fall in North Carolina. Hope to see you there! 


  1. Oh such happy memories your pictures give me...I met my first husband my senior year of college at Asilomar (a leadership conference)--romped the sand dunes, sat by the fire, reveled in the beauty of the place. Wonderful, Jane. xox from Sharon

  2. Looks like a wonderful retreat! I love that you and your husband shared this experience together.

  3. Looks like this was a wonderful retreat. I love that you shared it with your husband.


Thanks so much for visiting!