Saturday, October 03, 2015

My husband had an art show!

Don, ready for his guests.
My wonderful husband, Don Strom, has his first solo art show last night. He was the featured artist at the office of the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation, at NTC/Liberty Station in San Diego.
Don's framed artwork
Don took up sketching and watercolor about 15 years ago, after his brain injury. We often draw and paint together, especially when we travel. He had original paintings both framed and unframed, for sale.

Don ready for his guests.
Art lovers and friends!

The art show was a wonderful success! Many many people came, including lots of our friends. And he sold about $500 worth of his artwork! I'm sooo proud of Don!
Artist Bhavna Mehta came too!

Don's set of 5 note cards. ($15 for the set of 5, including envelopes)
Email me if you'd like to buy a set of Don's note cards (as shown above)! I'll send you a paypal invoice for $20 and Don will send them to you. 


  1. These are wonderful! My friend, who lived in Italy, does similar watercolor and these remind me of her work! I'm sending her your link. Congrats to Don!

  2. Congratulations Don for your special show and wonderful art!

  3. Bravo to Don!! Beautiful work!!

  4. That is so exciting and inspiring! Thanks for sharing, Jane.


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