Tuesday, October 06, 2015

Co-teaching with Patti Digh

teaching with Patti Digh
work in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
I've just returned from beautiful Asilomar Conference Center, in Monterey, CA. I had the extreme pleasure of co-teaching a workshop with my friend, Patti Digh (Author of  "Life is a Verb" and many other books). 

teaching with Patti Digh
Patti Digh, doing her own version of the techniques!
We taught a workshop entitled "Your Geography of Loss" based on Patti's book, Geography of Loss, and my current 'Text on Textiles' workshop. 

teaching with Patti Digh
Our students and their work ~ "Your Geography of Loss" workshop 

teaching with Patti Digh
Patti Digh teaching her portion of our class together. ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Patti gave the students writing prompts based on loss and grieving. It was powerful and healing for everyone.
teaching with Patti Digh
work in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
teaching with Patti Digh
Students hand stitching ~ photo by Jane LaFazio

Our workshop was part of Patti's annual "Life is a Verb Camp. (I'll write more about camp in my next post.)
teaching with Patti Digh
My piece, in progress ~ Jane LaFazio
teaching with Patti Digh
San Diego peeps and Patti Digh. (l to r: Linda Bannan, me, Patti, Davielle Huffman

teaching with Patti Digh
Just a few hundred yards from our classroom, the beautiful Monterey Bay!

 I'll be teaching "Text on Textiles" (sadly, without Patti) in January at Craft Napa! Hope to see you there.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a great class in a beautiful setting, interesting project, lots of texture and color. thanks, Jane.


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