Saturday, June 17, 2017

Inspector Gamache and me.

Viva Gamache
So, if you read my blog or newsletters, you know I'm a big fan of Canadian mystery writer, Louise Penny, and her series featuring Inspector Gamache. I had never read mysteries before, but in November, after the election, I needed an escape.

All the books are set in Quebec, Canada.
I've read ALL Louise Penny's books!
So, as any crazed loyal fan would do, when I read about  "Manior Bellechasse" in her book, "A Rule against Murder," and that it was based on Manior Hovey.....and since I was teaching in Quebec anyway......

In Quebec City, we rented a car, and I drove for 3 hours to Manior Hovey. It was spectacular. Simply superb. (More in my next post about it.)

Manior Hovey, in southeastern Quebec.
When, on day two, I happen to walk near the lobby and who is standing there? LOUISE PENNY! 
me and Louise Penny at Manior Hovey!
I introduced myself, told her I'd read all her books, loved her newsletter and her facebook posts. And she was the reason my husband and I had come to Manior Hovey. I even showed her my 3pines pin, on my collar. She was warm, friendly and delightful. 

Amazing huh? 

(She was just there for lunch, for a meeting. She lives about an hour away.)


  1. I've read all her books too. I love to read books with settings I'm somewhat familiar with. That would have been fun , running into her.

  2. Wow! I too love her books, but have only read five so far. Love, love them. What a treat not only to see Manior Hovey, but to meet her there as well. Lucky you. So sorry I missed the trip, but all is better now. Perhaps the next time.

  3. Merveilleux! I, too, am a fan of Louise Penny, and I think Inspector Gamache comes close to being the perfect antidote to the political situation. So lovely that your were able to meet the writer while exploring this beautiful region (and hotel). I am glad it happened to you and your husband!

  4. That truly was a serendipitous encounter! :)

  5. Whoa, how cool is that! I love your Three Pines mug. I'm a few books behind in the series, so I really need to catch up! Crossing fingers that you maybe do another trip like this one, at a time when I can take advantage.


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