Monday, June 19, 2017

Quebec, Canada ~ rest and relaxation at Manior Hovey

Manior Hovey
As you saw in my previous post, we spent 3 nights at Manior Hovey in Southeastern Quebec. It was an amazingly beautiful, elegant and relaxing spot, on the lake. The staff and service was some of the finest I have ever experienced. And as you can see, the grounds were gorgeous. Just 37 rooms, so it was quiet and so relaxing.
Peonies in the Garden at Manior Hovey

Peonies blooming in just one day!

Me, relaxing in an adirondack chair, sketching and watercoloring.

view of the lake, in my sketchbook 

from my sketchbook ~ by Jane LaFazio

My sweet husband, Don.

View of the garden and the lake at Manior Hovey

on Lake Massawippi

sketching and watercolor on the lake
I'll show you my complete Quebec sketchbook, in a later post.

cocktails on the lake at Manior Hovey
Yes, it was a splurge for us! But I'd worked the prior days in Montreal and Quebec City...and well, life is short. Enjoy it when you can!  
Yoga Poses in Public Places on Lake Massawippi, Quebec, Canada 


  1. I'm from Montreal, and now live in the Laurentians - but how lovely and gorgeous are the Eastern Townships - and even more amazing that you were able to meet a favourite author by chance! Louise Penny's Inspector Gamache series is just the right size bites of delicious fruit on a hot summer's (or late spring day). So glad you've enjoyed your visits here north of the border - and how delightful to see these images, see your sketches and read about your experiences. :)

    1. thanks! so nice to hear from you. I loved Montreal!! hope you get to go back often.

    2. I just looked up the Laurentians. Oh my gosh, gorgeous country!

    3. I actually really don't like the city anymore - I can't stand the energy, but that's just a personal thing. It still holds magic and mysteries, and I miss the eclectic mix of certain "old country" areas - but the general day to day - not all. Like all "relocations" there are pros and cons, and so we adapt. But I definitely prefer "cottage country" now.

      I've just read your next post about the food - and wow, it looks so good - I felt like I could pluck things off my screen and enjoy! Definitely makes for a visual treat and I'm sure you and your husband were delighted! Once again, glad that you were both able to enjoy your trip and spend sometime also relaxing - all work and no play is not an artist's way. And I have to say, I really enjoy your creations - the way you so imaginatively create and combine mediums is fascinating.

    4. thanks again!! and today's blog post, tea in the library at Manior Hovey.... soo very civilized! :-)

    5. I've followed and read some more - I'm so glad you had such a wonderful trip and time in Montreal and surrounding areas - and I'm sure you will be equally entertained and enthralled with Quebec City. So wonderful to share along in your travels and adventures. :)


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