Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Quebec, Canada ~ Manior Hovey. The food!

Don, harvesting kale for his salad
Part of the fabulous experience at Manior Hovey, in Quebec, was the food. We ate in the dining room two evenings (La Hatley), and were served appetizer, main course and dessert. I know this isn't a food blog, but it is an artist blog, and I thought the presentation on every dish was sooo creative and beautiful!
From Seed to Table ~ Potted Kale
Yes, for this kale salad, it came in a pot with clippers! and in the bowl was the dressing and other goodies. Harvest the kale, mix and eat!

Fiddlehead Fern Soup

Charolais Angus Beef

Pike White Boudin

Raspberry Tartlet

Guayaquil Chocolate Cake

Pancakes! And yes, breakfast was equally beautiful and delicious. 
You can check out my previous Manior Hovey posts here and here.


  1. Wow, every plate is a work of art! Looks delish too.

  2. This looks wonderful! I'm driving right past there next week. I will try to stop for a meal!


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