Thursday, August 29, 2019

Video interviews. Brain Injury and Caregiving.

Did you all know that my husband has had a brain injury since 1992. Twenty seven years of Aphasia, and disability. He was recently interviewed by Dr. Dan Gardner, physician and psychotherapist with advanced, post-graduate training in psychoanalysis. Dan lives here in San Diego, California, and was one of the founders of the San Diego Brain Injury Foundation, some 35 years ago. 

My husband was interviewed by Dr. Dan Gardiner. Here's the VIDEO.

And I was interviewed about caregiving, here's the VIDEO
Thanks for watching.


  1. Jane, I have been following, and loving, your work for a few years now. Little did I know that behind all that vibrant stitching and painting, workshops and tours, were the appointments, meetings, support groups and care giving. How lucky we are to have you giving so much to us. Anne 🌻

  2. Thanks so much to you and Don for sharing this with us. I've been the caregiver for my husband since his stroke five years ago, and so much of your experience is relevant, and inspiring, to us. I'm hoping that Don has made as substantial a recovery from his accident as it appears here. His (and your) positive attitude is so good to see--I will encourage my husband to watch Don's interview, and I hope to be able to take another course with you in the future. Love to you both!

  3. I've long been an admirer of your work, and now I'm also an admirer of your strength and optimism in dealing with your husband's injury. I love your idea of going on a fun outing with him every week! Thanks for posting the videos.

  4. Having had a head injury in an automobile accident in 1982, I can relate to so much of what your husband shared. He was lucky to have you as an advocate for his health care!


Thanks so much for visiting!