Monday, September 02, 2019

Louise Penny!

Manior Hovey, Quebec, Canada,  June, 2017
I'm kind of a Louise Penny fan. She's a Canadian author of a mystery series, most set in Quebec Canada. Do read them! and read them in order, starting with The Still Life

Los Angeles, September 2017

Saturday night, August 31, 2019 in San Diego, CA


  1. I'm a big fan too! I've almost finished reading her latest--hoping we won't have to wait a whole year for another one.

  2. ah- lucky you!!! I read The Still Life...good tale!! I'm wanting to read more of her stories!! How exciting to get to meet her in person!

  3. I’m a fan too. Have read them all. They particularly interest me as I’m Canadian living near Quebec and have visited often.

  4. She's been on my "to read" list after a friend's recommendation, and I'm now getting ready to begin reading. Yes, I always have to read them in order.


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