Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My mixed media journal

GREEN pepper page
Here's one of my watercolors glued onto a cool background in my sketchbook.
Fun backgrounds, huh?
GREEN pepper
EASY! I used a white crayon and Colorations Liquid Watercolor.
GREEN pepper ~ detail   GREEN pepper ~ detail
Here's another background I've done, same technique.
Backgrounds    Backgrounds
I started with the white crayon, on this one, and added yellow and orange liquid watercolor (left), then let it dry, and added some red (right).
Backgrounds detail    Backgrounds detail

 Backgrounds     Backgrounds
Then I doodled some flowers in permanent ink and painted the negative space with Violet liquid watercolor.

We'll play with watercolors and white crayons in the mixed media journal workshop I'm teaching at San Clemente Art Supply (with Linda Blinn!) on July 9 & 10 (register here). AND, I'll show you how to draw and paint a little watercolor similar to the green pepper...and a whole bunch of other cool stuff.


  1. WOW I love the liquid watercolors and the crayons. I've never seen the liquid watercolors before so I must stock up! Thanks!

  2. What fun! Thanks for the inspiration to get out my white crayon : )

  3. Thanks for the inspiration! I enjoyed this crayon resist with doodle technique.

  4. Gorgeous and love the technique.

  5. Wow I love all the different textures and techniques. Beautiful and cool stuff.


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