Saturday, February 23, 2013

Online Sketching & Watercolor: Journal Style class

sketching and watercolor in progress ~ by Jane LaFazio

will be starting up again on March 21. It's geared from beginners (or people that want to get in the practice of regular drawing and painting in their sketchbooks.) 

There will be some videos, pdfs of lessons  like this one and it will be easy to see or comment on your fellow students work, and they on yours. I've limited it to 50 students. Hope to see you online! All the details of the class are here.  

You'll post your work, like this, and we will comment right below it.

Format is 24/7 (IPad compatible) and you can access the lessons anytime. A new lesson will be released each week. The class will remain open for 8 weeks and I'll comment on every page you do! (You'll need to photograph or scan your work and download it to the lesson page. It's easy!)
Sign up now, my last class filled very quickly!

Here's how the online class forum looks.
You'll post your work like these students did. 
Or, you can leave a comment to win a scholarship to the class! Tell me why you'd like learn Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style. Or, if you just want to sign up now, and you happen to win a scholarship, you can give it to a friend, and take the class together.
I announced the winners here.


  1. I just recently found your blog and puchased my first sketchbook. I would dearly love to win a scholarship to Sketchbook and Watercolor Journal:Style.

  2. I'd love to win a scholarship to your class, Jane. Thanks so much for the opportunity. I so enjoy your easy style and colorful images.


  3. I'd love to win a scholarship for your class. I lean more to fiber arts but would love an opportunity to develop sketching and watercolor techniques. Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. As a homeschooling mother of three kids, who is also a single mom working two jobs, I love to find ways to refresh my creative well and to help other women do the same! I do this by offering creative writing classes, and I dabble in watercolors but I would love to be able to have more of a base of knowledge, and I love your work! It seems like the perfect way to fill my creative spirit and to keep expanding my base of knowledge. Money is tight, so winning a scholarship would help out!

    1. Homeschooling and working two jobs? oh my goodness! how do you do it, Carmen?

    2. Lol, you know I am really not sure of the answer! Other than I am blessed with very good children and a wonderful support network of family and friends.

  5. Pick me! Pick me! I'd love to take this class and learn your techniques! I've admired your work for awhile and tried to take a class with you before Christmas in Fallbrook.

  6. Always inspired by you Jane. I'd love to win.

  7. Winning a scholarship for this class would positively affect me in many, many ways. I'm an avid admirer of your work and generous spirit. As an elementary school art teacher, I soak up ideas and knowledge, then share it with my students. So your work benefits more people than you realize! THANKS for being such a giving artist.

  8. Replies
    1. I missed this class(or one much like it?) at Random Arts..would love to get some in depth training on sketching/watercolor from the feet of the "master" ;)

  9. I would love to win a scholarship in your class, because, first, I enjoy your blog and your work and I'd love to be able to do what you do.... second, I am a 50-year old non-traditional student. My major is strategic communications, my minor art studio/photography. This semester I am taking my last art class. I was able to select any art class to fill the requirement, so I signed up for beginning printmaking. The first assignment was relief printing. The first two in class assignments were canceled because of a snow day and because the teacher needed to go out of town for her studio/show opening. The next thing due was the final relief printing and critique. I got a C+ on the combined project and artist's statement.....I've gotten an "A-" in all my art and photo classes. Until now. I am discouraged. I had a small stroke in Oct 2012, so I kept my design very basic--a 9-patch square. I picked that because I wanted to keep it simple and begin at the beginning. When I teach beginning quilting, I often start with the 9-patch, so..... about half the students have done print making before and have more experience drawing and their work showed their experience. I think having a class with assignments would be very beneficial to me. Currently, my stetch book is graph-paper. I draw quilt designs and mazes in it. When I use it for note taking in a class, I doodle and write backwards. I've convinced myself that either this is my personal style or that I cannot draw. I just found my high school sketch book in the garage and, guess what? I could draw :-)

    Thanks for listening to me vent. It was needed whether I get the scholarship or not.

    1. I'm touched by your comment and honesty. I hope you get the scholarship for this class, and if not, I certainly hope that you take the class. Informal sketchbook sketching has really energized my life - finding a few moments here and there to dabble at it. I've seen my own skills improve 'the more I do it'. When I don't do it for awhile ... my progress is on pause and then I have to get up some momentum to restart -- and get going again (I'm in one of those temporary 'pauses' right now). But, JUMP IN -- I think you'll really enjoy it.

  10. I would love to win a scholarship. Learning to sketch and watercolor would be a great addition to my visual journals. This class would make me a well rounded artist! Thanks for the opportunity to win a scholarship.

  11. Hi Jane, Anne Marie here, from Oijen, Holland. I love your artwork, have been following you a while now and how I would love to paint with you. I was a teacher for 34 years and have been painting since I can the way you let your aquarelles be a part of your journaling, and that I would love, love , love to learn..Wish I ll be there with you...<3

  12. Yes, talk about money being tight. Jane, I sure you will chose a most deserving student for a scholarship. One day I too will be a student. You are so kind to give someone a chance to take your class would not not be able otherwise. Bless you and all of the artists who create beauty.

  13. Would love, love, love to win a scholarship for your class Jane! Learning from someone you would like to emulate would be the best possible situation for me. Each time I see something new that you post, I say to myself, I'd love to be able to draw/paint just like that. Winning a scholarship would certainly give me the opportunity to try!

  14. I'd love to learn watercolor from you! Your colors are vivid. Your sketches are loose. They are everything this uptight, anal, and controlling artist aren't but wishes she could be!
    Thanks for the chance to win a scholarship!

  15. Is this a new watercoloring journaling class? or is it a repeat of one you've taught before?

    1. I've taught it online before. It's going on right now. It's a revamped version of the one I taught on joggles--more video, more visual. Did you take that one, Claire?

    2. I think I took the class, but I don't remember the Tulips or pansies... So I'm tempted to jump onboard this time.

  16. I would love to win a scholarship to this class. I figure that the more of your classes I take the more I will actually learn something! The classes force me to practice, and every so often, something good pops out.....

  17. Jane - thank you for the chance to win a scholarship for your class. I have recently been making blank books and now realize that I need to get busy and fill them up! The opportunity to improve my drawing skills and add watercolor techniques would be wonderful. Love the light and fresh qualities of your work!

  18. I just signed up! I love your style and am so excited to have the chance to learn from you!

  19. I'd dearly love to be able to draw and watercolor a recognizable object. I've tried over the years and the technique eludes me. It would be wonderful to win this class and find out it's the secret I've been waiting for. Thanks for the chance.

  20. I have drawn on and off for years, but have never developed a steady practice. I would love to learn how to use watercolor--it is such a tricky medium! thanks for the opportunity to win!

  21. Hi Jane- I would love a chance to win a scholarship to your Sketching and Watercolor: Journal Style! I have long admired your work and wanted to and dabbled in keeping a regular watercolor journal. I live in Mexico and the colors just sing to be painted and replicated! I am a retired Psychotherapist from the states who is now in a position teaching art to local students, though I know next to nothing re: watercolors. We do a lot of sketching and collage now. I'd love to journal and document my experience in an art journal! Thanks-Sascha

  22. Hi Jane :) I first found your blog when i discovered a love of felting (very addictive!) and i've followed you ever since. I'd love to develop my sketching+watercolour skills (which are currently a bit lacking!). Thank you for sharing so much on your blog, to me in the UK you are always an inspiration :)

  23. I'd love to take your class! I've been painting for a long time but I'd welcome a class from you!

  24. I love your style so much! I am 57 yrs. old and just in the last few years have begun to rediscover my love of creating. I have always been a fan of pen and ink and watercolor and yours are always so clean and fresh looking. I hope to take an in person class someday but, in the meantime, sure would be great to win an on-ine class! Thank you for all your inspiration!

  25. I would love to take your online class. I had to arrange an earlier flight from the inagural Create in Chicago and was only able to sit in on the first 20 minutes or so of the live class. This would certainly be a treat. I've always regretted that!

  26. I love your style. I would love to win this class and learn watercolor. Thank you so much! Carlanda

  27. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  28. I'm going to be teaching A level Art / Textiles in September and need to brush up on my skills!

  29. What an extraordinary offer! Rare in the world of online art classes, actually it's the first time I have seen anything like this. Pay it forward! Nice Jane! Someone will be a very happy person. :-)

  30. Hi Jane....
    Lindsay Ostrom here.... huge fan, HUGE. I love what you do with you quilting, stitching and especially your sketching. That's what i love to do... alot. I would LOVE a scholarship for your online class. The words starving artist hit home a couple of years ago when i lost my buisness and my husband became out of work because of our dang economy ( he's a carpenter in a sea of carpenters ). He is working a bit now and i am working at a local craft store and pimping my art in every way possible just to keep our home. Ok... that's the heart wrenching story part.... you know, all those shows on tv where they pick a winner... there is always a heart wrenching story.
    Truly... i do love your art. And i would love to be a bit more free with my sketching. Like you. So... if you choose me. i will do you proud. Thanks for offering this. It's a fabulous opportunity.
    Lindsay Ostrom

  31. I'd like to win because for fone thing I love your style and for another I've only tried watercolors once and have been intimidated by them ever since!

  32. Yes I am inspired by you Jane and would love a spot in this class.

  33. I would LOVE to win a scholarship to take this class. I live in a rather remote area with very little access to workshops or night classes. To have the opportunity to participate in this on -line class would be such a special experience jfor me. I love to draw, have played around with watercolors a bit and I could really benefit from a weekly prompt to keep me motivated and improve my skills.

  34. Looks like a great class. It would be fun to win!

  35. I've been itching to sketch for years and felt I'm not talented enough. A class will expand my skills and give me some confidence to apply myself more. The last time I drew was in high school and I graduated in 1966.

  36. Hello Jane,
    I love your creative talents and check in to see what is new on your blog on a regular basis as well as being your friend on facebook.
    I have just begun to have an art journal and would love an opportunity to take your online course. I lost my husband just after Thanksgiving; and sometimes am so overwhelmed with grief, that the only way to express what I am feeling is through my art journal. But being so new to this; I would love to learn from your class so that I can have more creative ways to express myself. Thank-you for this opportunity and I am sure that whoever wins your spot will be blessed. Hope

    1. sending hugs to you, Hope. I know that art do indeed help to heal. xoxo

  37. I'd love to win the scholarship as I have journals and supplies, but just need the impetus and encouragement to get started. I believe in others to do it, but not myself. Thank you for the generous offer! ~ Karen

  38. Just because I would love to!

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Hi, I did take your earlier class and would like to work on this one too. Your blog is one of my favorites.

  41. A scholarship to your class would be awesome Jane. I love your work and would like to be just like you when I grow up! (LOL as I'm rounding close to 50 yrs!) I know I can learn and grow from your teaching. Love from a BIG FAN!

  42. I would love to learn a better sketching method and make it a habit! Thank you rot the opportunity to win a scholarship to this wonderful class.

  43. Hi Jane, I have seen some of your students work on a blog and would love to learn from you. I have been trying to get to an art class for ages but as I am a carer for my lovely Mum I can't make the classes when they re on so a virtual class would be fantastic. I'm a quilter but would love to be able to express myself on paper.....
    Hanneke in North Yorkshire

  44. Hi Jane, I took your class on Joggles a while back. There are videos in this class which will be really helpful. I love your style and follow the tutorials on your blog but don't feel very confident. A scholarship to your class would be just what I need!
    x Kaz

  45. I'd like to learn to sketch as a way to really see and learn about the world around me. Sounds like a great class!

  46. I see the class is full (and has started, as well) - do you know when you will be having another of these classes? I kept art journals for several years, but haven't worked in then for about five years now. I unfortunately had someone I dated (briefly) tell me that my sketches and watercolors looked like something he would have done when he was twelve, and I stopped journaling for a long time. I think taking a class would get me back in to the swing of things - I travel for work, and I wish I still took my journals with me everywhere!

    1. HI Laura, yes, the classes will start up again in june! sign up on my email newsletter, and you'll get notice. thanks!!

  47. It's really interesting to see where distance learning is going. Nowadays, you can even get online classes for a high school diploma. It'll be neat to see where else the new technology goes.


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