Monday, February 25, 2013

around the house ~ my studio

My studio
My studio
I can see the floor!  I've been reorganizing my studio these past two weeks. I realized that it had become more of a storage unit that a place to work.  
My studio is in my home, it's a spare bedroom and not all that big. 
My studio
That's my new print drying rack, in the center of the photo. (My 'inspiration' board still needs a complete revamp). And look at that table! completely clear and ready to work on.
My studio
Okay, this area could still use some work...but it's better than it was before.
My studio
I love that metal bird light, but need to hang it!
My studio
My bernina sewing station.
My studio
Ah, IKEA! I love these new cube shelves and they have made the space so much more useful. I'm going to add little tags to the bins and baskets, so I'll know what's in them.

My studio
Above, relates to the BEFORE photo (below) of my desk. Uh huh. Terrible! I found myself working on about 12 square inches of it, surrounded by my other project in progress...
My studio
last week~ BEFORE photo of my work table
My studio
last week~ BEFORE photo
I showed you our den and our living/dining room, so you know I'm not a slob in the rest of my house! Oh, and you saw my studio in November 2011 (wow, that long ago!) when I reorganized because of my new sewing machine. 
My studio
last week ~In progress
It feels really good to have my studio more organized! I feel inspired to go work on that big painting commission I got, now that I have space to lay the paper out.


  1. I love the IKEA storage cubes! I'm going to one down south in a couple of weeks... might have to keep an eye out for those. BTW, every time I start a project, my workroom turns into a disaster area. But now that I have my fabric stash in plastic shoe boxes, color coordinated, it's much easier to find what I need, and also easier to tidy up between projects! Enjoy your new arrangement!

  2. Looking good, I have storage cubes from the hardware store, I'll have to check on IKEA we have one not to far away. Storage containers make it so much easier to be organized. I need a few dozen more!

  3. The before pictures are very inspiring. You do so much beautiful work and these pictures prove that you don't have to be completely organized in order to do a great job. My desk always looks horrible no matter what I try - I clean it up only when company is coming.

  4. Dear Jane, my first blog visit ever. I'm happy I could have aglimpse at your work, I really love it. I used to draw and paint a lot, but changed totally to patchwork and quilting. Winning the scolarship would allow me a totally new approach to my work. What I always wanted: finding a way to add painting to my quilts.


  6. Every artist I've ever known, including this one, has found sooner or later that the studio has become a storage unit! leading in some cases to working outside the studio because there's no room in there to work! good for you for fighting back!

  7. Thank you for taking the time to show your studio. I'm in the process now of having an exterior wall knocked out to make a small bedroom into a studio. It won't be very large when it's done, but it will be nice to have all my stuff in one room and to have the rest of the house neat and clean. It helps to see other peoples' studios when planning how to store things in mine. Presently, I work on the dining room table (and in the living room and family room and kitchen) and it rarely gets cleaned off... only when company is coming. Relief is in sight.

  8. Jane, Great to see your studio - before and after. Where did you get that print drying rack? That would be great to have.

  9. Isn't it refreshing to actually realize there is a floor holding up all our creativity?!

  10. Looks great & functional! Good job on getting it cleaned up. I know how difficult it can be to do that! Still working on mine!

  11. Your description of your studio as a storage room hit home. That is exactly what my room has become. Walk in and find a spot to off load. When the teetering pile falls over, blame the cats. :) Thanks for the kick in the rear to get in and tidy up. A trip to IKEA would be a good thing too. That requires an overnight road trip right past a Dick Blick super store. Hmmmm, road trip vs. cleaning?

    1. I guess that cleaning should come first so that you can put the new stuff away. However, a trip to Ikea AND Blick sounds delicious.

  12. Oh I can really empathize with the views of your room in the before photos.I am preparing for a display of my dress forms, and need to do a major tidy before I do more work.
    Thanks for sharing your photos.
    i have a Bernina machine too.They are good "work horses". I do a lot of machine embroidery(free motion) work, and they stand up to it.

  13. Love Ikea... I have a set of cubes, plus billy's, and cube with doors and drawers. Plus I inherited my daughters old ikea desk, and created a sewing station with a semi circle desk. I also make a cutting storage table on wheels from an Ikea kitchen cabinet and table top.

    I guess I am an Ikea sewing room!

    It really helps to organize.

    Great job!

  14. What a transformation! I have a few expedites and a kitchen's worth of cabinets for my studio. I'd be lost without IKEA in a sea of craft materials, junk, and dust (which I'm insanely allergic). IKEA rocks.

    Love when bloggers tell the truth. We don't all have perfectly folded lives.

  15. Seeing your pre-tidy up pics makes me feel SO much better..and my garage is so stuffed I can hardly get in,never mind use it as a studio. Well done on getting yourself're my inspiration to get my act together!


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