Thanks Lynn Majidimehr for awarding me this Kreativ Blogger award. It's so nice to be noticed in the big blog world. If I've left a comment on your blog, consider yourself nominated. 
Stop the presses. dear Sandy just awarded me a blog award too! Sandy was in my workshop in New York and is a lovely person and wonderful journal artist. Thanks Sandy!!

Utility Box news: Here's a link to a story in today's San Diego Union Tribune about the project.
Art UnRaveled 2009: I'm honored to be teaching there again this coming August in Phoenix. The schedule will go up in January, but I'll be teaching all day August 5: Paper on Cloth Collage. All day August 6: Sketching & Watercolor-Journal Style. From 7am-10am, August 7 on location Sketching & Watercolor-Journal Style.
Lastly, don't forget to put my 2010 Bella Italia: Orvieto Sketchbook trip on your wish list.
Stop the presses. dear Sandy just awarded me a blog award too! Sandy was in my workshop in New York and is a lovely person and wonderful journal artist. Thanks Sandy!!
Well girl, brace yourself for another one!! I have an award for you on my blog if you wish to participate!