Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Orvieto, Italy: Farmers Market

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Some of our group enjoying cappuccinos . photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio 
I do love farmers markets! This one in Orvieto was especially nice. My students and I wandered and drew and watercolored and shopped.
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Sketchbook page 5x7" by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Yoga Poses in Public Places

I should have chosen a slightly more scenic spot for my half moon yoga pose!

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
He was weighing my bag of cherries. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Sketchbook page 5x7" by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy
Me and Marsha (note my paisley themed outfit.)
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Sketchbook page 5x7" by Jane LaFazio

Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
Orvieto, Italy ~ Farmers Market. photo by Jane LaFazio
Orvieto, Italy: farmers market
My students. photo by Jane LaFazio
We gathered back at the B&B to draw and paint our farmers market goodies. Then we cleared the table of art supplies, and had a wonderful lunch!

Don't miss my other posts on my teaching trip to Italy (with Adventures in Italy), May 2012:

Don't miss my other posts on my teaching trip to Italy May 2012:
Orvieto, Italy: The City
Orvieto, Italy: Sketching & Watercolor
Orvieto, Italy: Farmers Market
Orvieto, Italy: Beauty and Design
Orvieto, Italy: Palazzone Winery
Orvieto, Italy: Cooking lesson


  1. Jacquie aka The Muse5/30/2012 8:26 AM

    Your market photos take me back! Did the man selling the artichokes offer the service if removing the chokes? A memory from the market in Padova! Now I only get to go to the weekly market when I visit my DD in Germany -- which isn't all that bad!

  2. That octopus looks like a paisley! Which I find completely wonderful!

  3. Mmm, I'd love to return to Italy, and Turkey! The vegetables were so beautiful, both to look at and to eat!

    I'm wondering what art supplies you take with you when you travel Jane.

  4. mmmmm: great photos!

    you are such a stitch - posing in the most unpredictable places!


  5. Oh MY Such great memories just looking at these photos. I hope you had a great time

  6. Lovely photos Jane. I have just returned from Italy myself and can SOO relate to these beautiful images.


Thanks so much for visiting!

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